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BEST Academy Accreditation

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BEST Academy is fully-accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) through June 30, 2030. WASC Accreditation certifies to students, families, other educational institutions and the general public that BEST Academy meets established criteria and standards.


To learn information more about WASC and the accreditation process, go to or click here to review school accreditation status.

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What is WASC?

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is one of six regional associations, which accredit public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the United States. Regional accreditation began about 100 years ago and arose from a desire on the part of educational institutions to establish standards of quality.

Accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental process, which plays an important role in developing and maintaining the high quality of education in this country.


The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is the newest of the six regional accrediting associations. It was formed in 1962 by an amalgamation of several accrediting agencies. There are three Commissions in the Association, which work with institutions at different levels.

What Does Accreditation Mean?

Accreditation certifies to other educational institutions, and to the general public, that an institution meets established criteria or standards and is achieving its own stated objectives. BEST Academy meets these objectives.

WASC and the other five regional associations in the United States grant “institutional accreditation” after a comprehensive self-study followed by an on-site evaluation of the programs and services of the total institution. This means that all diploma or degree programs and educational activities offered by the institution are covered by the institution’s accreditation.

The evaluation determines whether the institution qualifies for regional recognition. More importantly, periodic self-study and review promote improvement in educational quality and institutional effectiveness.

What Does Full Accreditation Mean for BEST Academy Students?

Since BEST Academy is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, we can offer A-G approved courses that fulfill the requirement of the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems.

WASC Accreditation allows University-bound students at BEST Academy a track to higher education through fulfilling the A-G requirements. The rigor of the A-G courses will be reflected on the student’s transcript as having fulfilled these requirements for each course of completion.


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