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Designed for College-Bound Students


Engaging A-G & CTE Courses Designed for High School Students

The BEST Honors program is designed for college-bound students who love the flexibility of learning anytime, anywhere. BEST Honors allows students to select A-G approved and CTE courses with access to earn college credits in high school. 

In this program, students complete 100% of their courses online while engaging in independent and group instructional supports. Every student benefits from the personalized guidance and support of a California Credentialed BEST Academy Teacher in addition to real-time instruction and support through ASU Teachers. BEST Academy partners with many curriculum partners to include ASU Prep Digital, giving students a customized online learning pathway packed with A-G approved and CTE courses.

Student on Mobile Phone
  • Designed for 9th-12th grade students

  • Customized digital learning experience

  • A-G approved & CTE courses

  • Access to college courses in high school

  • Real-time instruction & support

  • delivered through ASU teachers

  • Monthly teacher-student meetings

  • Field trips

BEST Honors

Designed for College-Bound Students

Curriculum Type
Grade Levels
Instructional Unit

Customized digital learning experience to give the learner more flexibility to learn anytime and anywhere.

Grades 9th through 12th

Curriculum and Instructional Funds are allocated to High School students. Credentialed Teacher supports parent with learning coaching, curriculum choices, and instruction planning.

A flexible learning environment and modern educational technology serve learners with diverse backgrounds and goals. With a standards based online curriculum, combined with superior individualized support, BEST Academy creates a learning environment that empowers students to rise to the challenge of independent, self-directed learning. BrightThinker and Accelerate Learning, award-winning curricula, are utilized to support core subjects. Strong evidence-based supplemental Lexia and DreamBox are designed to support students where they need assistance and challenge them.

Students received structured curricula that streamlines differentiation opportunities, to personalize and pinpoint where learners are in their learning. Optimal for students that want the flexibility of a digital learning environment while providing teacher support to guide them in their learning experience.

Student Experience
Sync Instruction Opportunities
Student - Teacher Engagement

All students have the opportunity to attend daily live synchronous for each subject.

Students are scheduled for one 1:1 each Learning Period (every 4-weeks).

Parental Involvement

Parents work closely with their BEST Academy assigned CA-Credentialed teacher to design and implement personalized lessons, plan field trips, and coordinate educational activities within the homeschool community. This close collaboration ensures student progress is being made towards state standards. Parent(s) and student attend weekly Sync check-in and monthly 1:1 meeting with Homeschool Teacher.

Intervention & Academic Support

Small Group Tutoring, Teacher Office Hours, 1:1, digital supplementals (DreamBox, Lexia English, BrainPop, SummitK12, Core5, PowerUP, Beable)

Field Trips

All BEST Academy students are eligible to attend charter-sponsored field trips as well as participate in earning engagements by one of our Curriculum and Enrichment vendor Partners.

Teenager on Laptop
BEST Academy

Suid-Kalifornië se BESTE 3-12
Onafhanklike Studie Handves Skool
Ontwerp vir buigsame, aanlyn leer:

Brookfield Ingenieurswese Wetenskap TegnologieAkademie

Ten volle geakkrediteer deur die Akkrediteringskommissie vir Skole, Western Association of Schools & Colleges

Kalifornië-geloofwaardige onderwysers en beraders with Ongeëwenaar Aanlyn leerervaring  

Kollege- en loopbaanpaaie gekombineer met persoonlike leiding en ondersteuning vir studentesukses

Pasgemaakte aanlyn kurrikulumopsies met self-pas leer en 24/7 onderrig vir buigsame skedulering 

Teenage Group_edited.jpg

A-G Approved & CTE Courses

Anytime, Anywhere

nuttige skakels

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  • BEST Academy Facebook Page
  • BEST Academy Instagram Page
  • BEST Academy Twitter Handle
  • BEST Academy YouTube Channel


BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

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BEST Academy is 'n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer/program en is verbind tot 'n aktiewe niediskriminasieprogram. BEST Academy verbied diskriminasie, teistering, intimidasie en afknouery gebaseer op werklike of waargenome afkoms, ouderdom, kleur, geslagsuitdrukking, nasionaliteit, ras of etnisiteit, geslag, seksuele oriëntasie, of assosiasie met 'n persoon of groep met een of meer van hierdie werklike of waargenome kenmerke. 

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