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Introduction to Networking 1A

Introduction to Networking 1A: Introduction

What would happen if we didn’t have the internet? The internet is one example of a network, so you can only imagine why networking careers are essential. Start exploring the fundamentals of networking, learning about the different parts of a computer and hardware, network operating systems, and understanding how common network devices can be connected. You’ll get hands-on to explore different types of cables used to create networks – and even make cables in Wired Networking activities. Get started with your introduction to networking!

Advanced Networking 1A

Advanced Networking 1A: Introduction

The world has never been more connected than it is today and through advancing network technologies, tomorrow will be even more tightly united. In this course, you will learn about a variety of different networks, their layers, and the different needs they address. You’ll uncover best practices for setting up secure remote access connections, techniques to troubleshoot and think strategically, and correct documentation. Lastly, you’ll learn tips to successfully communicate in the workplace. Get ready to support tomorrow’s connectedness today!

Introduction to Networking 1B

Introduction to Networking 1B: Network Oversight

Network administrators are responsible for the oversight of an organization’s computer network. This includes installing hardware and software but also relies on considerable technical skills to resolve network issues. Discover how to set up a network, troubleshoot problems, monitor network security, infrastructure, performance, and contribute to creating policies and procedures. As a network admin, you’ll help keep businesses safe and running correctly.

Advanced Networking 1B

Advanced Networking 1B

Course information coming soon!

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