Introduction to Networking 1A: Introduction
Netwerkstelsels Spesialis Loopbaan-kursuseenhede
Unit 1: The Computing Environment
Welcome to the world of networking! While we all know what computers are and how to operate them, it makes sense to step back and look closely at the basics. Everything starts with a strong foundation. To supply that foundation, we’ll dig into the definitions and component parts that you need to know to understand computers and networking. What exactly does the computer do? What parts are responsible for the computer’s basic operation? There’s also power to consider: how it makes things run, how to harness and measure it, and how to stay safe when using it.
Unit 2: Computer Hardware Components
When you think of computer networking, you might conjure abstract images of information passing through space to connect people. But a lot about networking is very hands-on. Computer hardware includes the physical components of a computer, the ones you can touch. There are various physical components that you can see, such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers, but there are many physical components that you cannot see, such as the motherboard, video card, and central processing unit, to name a few. Our goal is to learn about all the various hardware components used to create a computer.
Unit 3: Computer Peripherals
There are lots of devices that can be attached to a computer to either input data or produce output. The needs of each individual computer user are different, so the number of input and output devices attached to a computer system can vary greatly. For a networking professional, it’s important to be familiar with these various options and to know how to troubleshoot any issues that might arise.
Unit 4: Software Programs for Computer Systems
Computers need system software (operating systems) in order for humans to interact with them and software applications to manipulate data to produce an output. Computer network operating systems provide shared resources, file storage, and added security. There are many different network operating system programs to choose from, depending upon the needs of an organization.
Unit 5: Fundamental Networking Concepts & Principles
Today’s world, economy, and citizens live in and on the internet. Surfing the web, streaming on-demand movies and sports, e-commerce shopping, and online friendships and dating are expected and necessary parts of society. Because of this, it is important for individuals to be aware of the risks associated with the internet, the world’s largest network.
Unit 6: Wired Networking
Everywhere we go we are surrounded by wireless networks: the grocery store, restaurants, and libraries, just to name a few. Odds are you have a wireless network at home. However, wireless networks have a set number of devices that they can support, and the signal can be unreliable, which is why businesses have wired networks. They provide a stable connection at a faster speed.
Unit 7: Wireless Networking
The internet is everywhere and is readily accessible to anyone. Now more than ever we release our personal and private information at the click of the mouse as we participate in our networked society, and although we may be intentionally sending our personal data to a contact for a specific purpose, we can’t always be too sure that no one else has intercepted that data. When using wireless technologies, especially open networks, there are certain preventive and protective measures you should know how to take to keep your private information private.
Unit 8: Setting Up Your Network
Information Technology (IT) jobs are in high demand with millions of unfilled jobs across the country. IT jobs are diverse and include programming, cybersecurity, cabling, network technician, network administrator, project manager, systems administrator, and systems engineer. Find the right area for you and watch the world of technology continue to evolve around you.