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Ondernemingsbestuur: Entrepreneur Loopbaankursusse

Entrepreneurship 1A

Entrepreneurship 1A: Introduction

Starting a business is more than just having a good idea. Successful entrepreneurs know how to use and apply fundamental business concepts to turn their ideas into thriving businesses. Explore topics such as identifying the best business structure, business functions and operations, finance, business laws, regulations, and more! If you have ever dreamed of making a business idea a reality, take the time to establish a solid foundation of business skills to make your business dreams come true!

Management 1A

Management 1A: Introduction

From the shift managers at small businesses to the CEOs of large companies, effective management is key to any organization’s success. Explore foundational management concepts such as leadership, managing teams, entrepreneurship, global business, finance, and technology and innovation. Engage in a capstone that pulls all of the concepts you’ve learned together, allowing you to see how management ideas can be applied to a business case study. Get started with learning the fundamentals of successful management.

Entrepreneurship 1B

Entrepreneurship 1B: Make Your Idea a Reality

You have the business idea; now it’s time to go from dream to reality. Throughout this course, you’ll explore different topics representing the major parts of a business plan, such as risk, hiring, pricing, marketing, and more. By completing activities, you’ll create a viable document you can use to help you start your business by the end of the course. Let’s bring your dream to life!

Management 1B

Management 1B: Insight & Oversight

Every business and company needs management of some type. But what skills must you master in order to become an effective professional? Explore the ins and outs of this career, the responsibilities businesses have towards customers, and hiring the right employees. Gain an understanding of human resources (HR) to ensure job satisfaction and take action to ensure that all rules and laws are being followed. Learn how to become an effective manager in any field.

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BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

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