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Geestes- en Gedragsgesondheidsberader Loopbaankursusse

Medical Terminology 1A

Medical Terminology 1A: Introduction

Learning the language is essential for careers in health science. Join word parts to form medical terms, associations within body systems, and better communicate with colleagues and patients. Build your proficiency and confidence with this course and prepare yourself for a career in health sciences.

Human & Social Services 1

Human & Social Services

Those working in the field of social services are dedicated to strengthening the economic and social well-being of others and helping them lead safe and independent lives. Explore the process of helping, body, mind, and family wellness, and how you can become a caring social service professional. If you are interested in an emotionally fulfilling and rewarding career and making a difference in the lives of others, social and human services may be the right field for you.

Medical Terminology 1B

Medical Terminology 1B: Discovering Word Foundations

Discover the medical terminology associated with even more body systems to increase your ability to master prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Connect this language to real-world patients and clinical settings through practical applications and specific scenarios. Launch your health knowledge with detailed medical terms.

Tennis Balls and Racket

Peer Counseling I

Are you a great listener and love to help people achieve their goals? The role of a peer counselor is a rewarding one. Learn the skills of observation, listening, and emphatic communication that counselors need, while also discovering basic training in conflict resolution and group leadership. You’ll learn how to be a great peer counselor, but also how to communicate effectively in personal and work relationships.

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BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

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BEST Academy is 'n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer/program en is verbind tot 'n aktiewe niediskriminasieprogram. BEST Academy verbied diskriminasie, teistering, intimidasie en afknouery gebaseer op werklike of waargenome afkoms, ouderdom, kleur, geslagsuitdrukking, nasionaliteit, ras of etnisiteit, geslag, seksuele oriëntasie, of assosiasie met 'n persoon of groep met een of meer van hierdie werklike of waargenome kenmerke. 

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