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Sport- en vermaaklikheidsbemarker-loopbaankursusse

Marketing Foundations 1A

Marketing Foundations 1A: Introduction

Explore the fast-paced and exciting world of marketing! Learn about the role of marketing in business in addition to the basics of business management, customer service, and economics. Examine how to identify target markets, perform market research, and develop successful marketing strategies. Discover the legal and ethical considerations of business and marketing, along with the impact of government on business.

Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1A

Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1A: Introduction

The bright lights. The roaring crowds. The chants and cheers and applause. If you are drawn to the electricity of large events and the challenge of making events successful, a career in sports and entertainment marketing may be for you! In this course, you will trace the development of these industries, dissect their dual nature, and discover what it takes to pitch, promote, and deliver on these services. You ‘ll also explore the necessary steps to chart your own career path from among the professional roles that these industries need to operate. Let’s get off the sidelines and hop into the primetime of the sporting and entertainment worlds!

Marketing Foundations 1B

Marketing Foundations 1B: Building Your Base

Dig deeper into the world of marketing and what it means for business success! Become a marketing mix pro by studying understanding branding, advertising, promotion strategies, and more, through real-world applications and practices. And explore the secrets of advertising and promotion. Learn about effective sales techniques and discover employment opportunities to pursue a career in this exciting field!

Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1B

Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1B: Promoting the Main Event

Get ready to drop your spectator status for an all-access pass to enter the exciting world of sports and entertainment marketing! In this course, you’ll secure a solid foundation of effective marketing by studying the different roles and levels and how they relate to one another. Then, you’ll explore the modern marketing methods professionals use to take an event concept and make it successful. Finally, you’ll get up to speed on industry terminology and touchpoints with the help of HR. Get ready to flash that pass and gain all-star access to the stage and arena!

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BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

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BEST Academy is 'n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer/program en is verbind tot 'n aktiewe niediskriminasieprogram. BEST Academy verbied diskriminasie, teistering, intimidasie en afknouery gebaseer op werklike of waargenome afkoms, ouderdom, kleur, geslagsuitdrukking, nasionaliteit, ras of etnisiteit, geslag, seksuele oriëntasie, of assosiasie met 'n persoon of groep met een of meer van hierdie werklike of waargenome kenmerke. 

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