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Sports Socks

College & Career Pathways for Athletes

BEST Academy students can establish NCAA eligibility for athletic aid, practice, and competition. If your dream is to participate in NCAA or NAIA Division I or II athletics, you need to be certified by the NCAA/NAIA Eligibility Center. Both NAIA and NCAA have completed the program review for BEST Academy Courses and proof of graduation from BEST Academy may be used in the NAIA and NCAA initial-eligibility certification process.

  • Our NCAA CEEB number: 054967

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BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

Versoek inligting

Dit is die doel van die Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy dat hierdie webwerf toeganklik is vir alle gebruikers. U kan ons toeganklikheidverklaring sienhier.  assebliefKontakBESTE Akademie vir enige toeganklikheidskwessies


BEST Academy is 'n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer/program en is verbind tot 'n aktiewe niediskriminasieprogram. BEST Academy verbied diskriminasie, teistering, intimidasie en afknouery gebaseer op werklike of waargenome afkoms, ouderdom, kleur, geslagsuitdrukking, nasionaliteit, ras of etnisiteit, geslag, seksuele oriëntasie, of assosiasie met 'n persoon of groep met een of meer van hierdie werklike of waargenome kenmerke. 


© 2022 Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy. Alle regte voorbehou.

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