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James Mays

Executive Director

James Mays is an educational leader with knowledge and enthusiasm for innovative and personalized learning. After serving in the U.S. Air Force as a military intelligence specialist, James completed his bachelor's of science and went on to earn his master's of science and California PPS credential in school psychology. While serving as student intervention specialist in LAUSD, James realized the need for connecting and preparing students for college and careers while supporting with foundational social-emotional programs. His passion for developing a school that provides accessibility for each student's college and career aspirations was the framework for building the Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy's mission and vision.

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BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

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BEST Academy is 'n gelyke geleentheid werkgewer/program en is verbind tot 'n aktiewe niediskriminasieprogram. BEST Academy verbied diskriminasie, teistering, intimidasie en afknouery gebaseer op werklike of waargenome afkoms, ouderdom, kleur, geslagsuitdrukking, nasionaliteit, ras of etnisiteit, geslag, seksuele oriëntasie, of assosiasie met 'n persoon of groep met een of meer van hierdie werklike of waargenome kenmerke. 


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