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Josh Goyer

Intervention, Testing, & Data Coordinator

I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Earth, Environmental, and Ocean Sciences at the University of Massachusetts. My father was a school principal so education was always in my family. As a result, I pursued my passion of teaching and received my Masters of Education from the University of Massachusetts.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to teach at various diverse schools as a Social Studies and Science Teacher for the past 9 years. I started at Boston Public Schools, then moved on to San Diego Unified. My journey has brought me to BEST Academy Charter School. My teaching philosophy is that all students learn, just in different ways.

In my spare time I enjoy playing the guitar, listening to music, hiking, watching and playing sports. I especially love spending time with my wife and our new baby daughter. Lastly, I am a diehard Boston sports fan.

Josh Goyer


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BESTE Akademie

1704 Kaap Hoorn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BESTE (2378)

FAKS: 619-359-8977

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