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Tuition-Free, Public Charter School

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Independent Study

program options

Designed to Empower Families with the BEST Learning Options

BEST Choices

Designed for Homeschool Families


 Ignite your child's educational journey! From interactive platforms to personalized curriculum, discover the ultimate empowerment for homeschool families seeking the perfect learning resources tailored to their student's unique goals.

BEST Academy Staff Directory

BEST Digital

Designed for Independent Study Learners

BEST Digital Program

 Open the doors to a world of knowledge with BEST Digital. Gain access to award-winning, accredited, online courses that will take your virtual learning experience to new heights. Get ready to elevate your education and pave the path to academic success.

BEST Academy Staff Directory

bEST Hybrid

Designed for Homeschool Families

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Dive into a world of endless possibilities with BEST Hybrid offering families the ultimate flexibility in tailoring their child's learning journey. With a perfect blend of digital and traditional curriculum, every student can achieve their individual goals.

BEST Academy Educational Programs

BEST Honors

Designed for College-Bound HS Students

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Unlock your full potential in high school with BEST Honors! With a wide range of A-G approved courses and CTE options, students have the freedom to explore their passions and gain valuable college credits while still in high school.

BEST Academy Staff Directory
“The best part of the school is that the teacher-to-student ratio is very low allowing for more specialization. There are lots of logistic freedoms as compared to traditional schools, but also the support there to help guide students in being organized and successful.” 

روابط مفيدة


  • BEST Academy Facebook Page
  • BEST Academy Instagram Page
  • BEST Academy Twitter Handle
  • BEST Academy YouTube Channel


أفضل أكاديمية

1704 كيب هورن

جوليان ، كاليفورنيا 92036

833-619-BEST (2378)

الفاكس:  619-359-8977

اطلب معلومات

تهدف أكاديمية Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy إلى إتاحة هذا الموقع لجميع المستخدمين. يمكنك عرض بيان الوصول الخاص بناهنا.  PleaseاتصلBEST Academy لأية مشكلات تتعلق بإمكانية الوصول في

بست أكاديمي هو صاحب عمل / برنامج يتسم بتكافؤ الفرص ويلتزم ببرنامج نشط لعدم التمييز. يحظر BEST Academy التمييز والتحرش والتخويف والتسلط على أساس السلالة الفعلية أو المتصورة أو العمر أو اللون أو التعبير عن الجنس أو الجنسية أو العرق أو العرق أو الجنس أو التوجه الجنسي أو الارتباط بشخص أو مجموعة مع واحد أو أكثر من هؤلاء. أو الخصائص المتصورة . 

© 2022 أكاديمية بروكفيلد لتكنولوجيا العلوم الهندسية. كل الحقوق محفوظة.

الموقع من تصميمFormativEd

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