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Designed for Homeschool Families

Homeschool Learning Designed to Meet YOUR Child's Specific Needs and Interests

The BEST Hybrid program is for 3rd through 8th grade students and families who love the flexibility of learning anytime, anywhere! BEST Hybrid allows families to select blended digital & traditional curriculum to meet individual student learning goals.

In this model, students engage in both online and offline curriculum options with teacher and academic coaching support. Every student benefits from the personalized guidance and support of a California Credentialed BEST Academy Teacher. BEST Academy educators work with each student and family to develop a personalized learning plan based on the student's learning styles and goals to meet the student's interests and specific needs. 

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  • Blended traditional & digital curriculum tailored for TK-8th grade students

  • Credentialed teacher supports parent with learning coaching, curriculum choices, and instruction planning

  • Families select from a variety of enrichment activities, electives, and extracurricular opportunities

  • Monthly teacher-student meetings

  • "I can learning objectives

  • Field trips

  • Academic supports

Curriculum Type
Grade Levels
Instructional Unit

Combination of print and digital curriculum to meet your child's learning style and challenge their 21st-century skills

Grades 3rd through 8th

Curriculum and Instructional Funds are allocated to Elementary and Middle School students. Credentialed Teacher supports parent with learning coaching, curriculum choices, and instruction planning.

Customized grade-level kits support each student's learning style. Bridgeway, a BEST partner, is a trusted and well respected homeschool content developer. Bridgeway's unique approach to individualized education has helped thousands of students thrive and reach their goals. Students are also offered enrichment support through digital curriculum that meets students at their level and challenges them to move forward.

Students have the Flexibility to reinforce learning with a multi-modalities approach through a combination of print and digital resources that support their individual learning style. Optimal for students that want to have a complete learning experience and engage with physical materials (books, manipulatives, handwriting, drawing, etc.)

Student Experience
Sync Instruction Opportunities
Student-Teacher Engagement
Parental Involvement

All students have the opportunity to attend daily live synchronous for each subject.

Students are scheduled for one 1:1 each Learning Period (every 4-weeks).

Parents work closely with their BEST Academy assigned CA-Credentialed teacher to design and implement personalized lessons, plan field trips, and coordinate educational activities within the homeschool community. This close collaboration ensures student progress is being made towards state standards. Parent(s) and student attend weekly Sync check-in and monthly 1:1 meeting with Homeschool Teacher.

Small Group Tutoring, Teacher Office Hours, 1:1, digital supplementals (DreamBox, Lexia English, BrainPop, SummitK12, Core5, PowerUP, Beable)

Field Trips

All BEST Academy students are eligible to attend charter-sponsored field trips as well as participate in earning engagements by one of our Curriculum and Enrichment vendor Partners.

BEST hybrid

Designed for Homeschool Families

Intervention & Academic Support
Working on School Project
BEST Academy

أفضل 3-12 في جنوب كاليفورنيا
مدرسة ميثاق دراسة مستقلة
مصمم للتعلم المرن عبر الإنترنت:

بروكفيلد هندسة علوم تكنولوجياالأكاديمية

معتمدة بالكامل من قبل لجنة اعتماد المدارس ، الرابطة الغربية للمدارس والكليات

المعلمون والمستشارون المعتمدون في كاليفورنيا مع  لا مثيل لها  تجربة التعلم عبر الإنترنت  

مسارات الكلية والوظيفي جنبًا إلى جنب مع التوجيه المخصص والدعم لنجاح الطلاب

خيارات المناهج المخصصة عبر الإنترنت مع التعلم الذاتي والدروس الخصوصية على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع لجدولة مرنة 

Students in a Science Class
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Anytime, Anywhere

روابط مفيدة


  • BEST Academy Facebook Page
  • BEST Academy Instagram Page
  • BEST Academy Twitter Handle
  • BEST Academy YouTube Channel


أفضل أكاديمية

1704 كيب هورن

جوليان ، كاليفورنيا 92036

833-619-BEST (2378)

الفاكس:  619-359-8977

اطلب معلومات

تهدف أكاديمية Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy إلى إتاحة هذا الموقع لجميع المستخدمين. يمكنك عرض بيان الوصول الخاص بناهنا.  PleaseاتصلBEST Academy لأية مشكلات تتعلق بإمكانية الوصول في

بست أكاديمي هو صاحب عمل / برنامج يتسم بتكافؤ الفرص ويلتزم ببرنامج نشط لعدم التمييز. يحظر BEST Academy التمييز والتحرش والتخويف والتسلط على أساس السلالة الفعلية أو المتصورة أو العمر أو اللون أو التعبير عن الجنس أو الجنسية أو العرق أو العرق أو الجنس أو التوجه الجنسي أو الارتباط بشخص أو مجموعة مع واحد أو أكثر من هؤلاء. أو الخصائص المتصورة . 

© 2022 أكاديمية بروكفيلد لتكنولوجيا العلوم الهندسية. كل الحقوق محفوظة.

الموقع من تصميمFormativEd

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