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Introduction to Networking 1B: Network Oversight

وحدات دورة المسار الوظيفي لأخصائي أنظمة الشبكات

Unit 1: Internet Protocol Fundamentals

We have all come to rely on the internet for instant answers to questions, as well as research, education, and entertainment. Exactly how do our devices access the internet, and how does the internet know where to send the requests for data? The answer is by the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the device. IP addressing provides a base for all other network and user services, making it the core of network design, even a network as large as the internet.

Unit 2: Networking Services

How do the words that we enter into a Google search actually travel across the internet? How does your computer know how to “find” another computer when sending data? You’ll learn about how the domain name system resolves computer names to IP addresses, how the dynamic host configuration protocol ensures that each device on a network has a unique address, and how that data actually moves from point A to point B.

Unit 3: Network Design

A company’s computer network is more than likely the most important aspect of its business; it connects devices, provides for secure data storage, and enables employees to work efficiently. For most businesses, it is essential that the network is correctly set up not only to meet their current needs but also with the capability to grow. This introduction to network design brings previously learned concepts together as the elements of design are examined and put into practice.

Unit 4: Network Monitoring

Believe it or not, creating a new network is the easy part! After it is up and running, the challenge becomes maintaining and monitoring the network to ensure that it is working efficiently, and the data is secured. And once people begin using the devices, there will be problems as the devices malfunction, fail, or otherwise do not work properly. Maintenance and monitoring are conducted daily and, in larger networks, might be a network technician’s only responsibility.

Unit 5: Network Troubleshooting

The ability to troubleshoot is an essential skill one needs when working as, or when trying to obtain a job as, a network technician or administrator. Network troubleshooting requires a good methodology and an understanding of connectivity, infrastructure issues, and the tools needed to address them. There are many ways to develop these skills, such as tinkering with your own network at home and volunteering at churches, Boys and Girls Clubs, and recreation centers that have a computer lab. You cannot put a price on practical experience.

Unit 6: Network Security: Threats & Mitigation

There are many threats to network security, and most security breaches are caused by people, not devices. Network administrators must secure the network against both outside and inside threats. And a hacker only needs to find and exploit one vulnerability in the system, so a network administrator has to try to eliminate them all! Understanding these types of attacks and how to prevent and mitigate them is key to keeping the network protected.

Unit 7: Network Security: Policies & Procedures

Years ago, when computers and networks were not in widespread use in the work environment, network administrators lost their jobs if unauthorized access occurred. Today, it isn’t a question of if but when. Networks will be attacked and unauthorized access is likely to occur. In today’s networked world, the goal is to be proactive, not reactive, and continue to find ways to make it more difficult for a hacker to gain access. Logon, disposal, and forensic procedures must be secure, and there should be policies in place to protect all data and equipment.

Unit 8: Success in Networking: Other Skills & Duties

Network administrators develop numerous technical skills to troubleshoot and resolve network issues. However, these are not the only abilities that are needed to be successful in the job. Soft skills, such as interpersonal and communication skills, attitude, ethics, problem solving, and thinking critically are more important to employers than technical abilities. Employers can train employees to perform the technical aspects of their jobs. Developing employees’ soft skills, which are based on behavior and personality, is much harder to do.

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