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مصمم الألعاب والرسوم المتحركة / دورات المسار الوظيفي للمبرمجين

Foundations of Game Design 1A

Foundations of Game Design 1A: Introduction

Does your love of video games motivate you to pursue a career in this field? Pursue your passion by learning about the principles of game design through the stages of development, iterative process, critiques, and game development tools. Put these new skills to work by designing your own game!

Game Design 2A

Game Design 2A: Build a World

Are you ready to enter this multi-billion-dollar industry and start applying your technical skills into a compelling package that will catch the eye of an employer? Beginning with conceptualization and the design process, you’ll develop your game’s story elements, narrative, plot, characters, and assets. Using game design software, you’ll bring your game to life by applying lighting, audio, visual effects, player choice options, AI, and consider the type of controls to use for your game. Build a world players can get immersed in.

Foundations of Game Design 1B

Foundations of Game Design 1B: Storytelling, Mechanics, and Production

Now that you have the basics of game design down, let’s use your creativity to develop a game from start to finish! Develop your game creation skills and practice with the tools professionals use to launch your career options in the field of game design. The content of this course also applies to certification exams.

Game Design 2B

Game Design 2B: Launch a Game

You’ve already done the groundwork, and now it’s time to level up and launch! In Game Design 2b, you’ll take your runner game to new heights and enter the land of fire and ice using the cool tools that Unity has to offer! Get ready to build atmospheric landscapes, mountain runs, stair builds, and implement obstacles to keep your relic safe! Then, your real-world game begins: test and evaluate your game and prepare for a market launch! All of the moving parts of the game development process come together in this course, so you can unleash your game into the world!

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