Emergency Medical Responder 1B: Prepared for Action
Unità del corso del percorso di carriera del soccorritore medico di emergenza
Unit 1: Pediatric Patients
Being an emergency medical responder is always exciting and challenging, but what happens when you arrive on the scene to find a child patient? These situations pose their own unique sets of obstacles. We’ll begin by learning about the anatomical and physiological differences between children and adults. Then, we’ll look at assessment and treatment techniques for child patients. Pediatric illnesses and specific emergencies are also covered to provide you with a solid foundation for working with these patients.
Unit 2: Pregnancy & Childbirth
Women have been giving birth since the dawn of time. The body is specially made to complete this process with little intervention needed. Still, things can go wrong. Understanding what happens during pregnancy and childbirth can help the emergency medical responder to identify and quickly come to the aid of a patient who happens to be experiencing a pregnancy or childbirth complication. Let’s learn more about the natural processes of pregnancy and childbirth, along with some potential issues that you may come across.
Unit 3: Special Populations
Not every patient is a textbook case. Emergency medical responders must be trained to care for a diverse group of patients. When it comes to those in special circumstances, knowledge of the common issues that can arise is key to providing the best treatment possible. Patients who fall among special populations have different needs, depending on their circumstance. But one need that all patients have is to be cared for with skill and compassion. Let’s take time to learn about some special types of patients, the challenges they face, and the adjustments EMRs must make to provide care.
Unit 4: Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
Emotions run high in any emergency. Unfortunately, in our society the stigma that is attached to some distressing circumstances like mental illness, drug addiction, sexual assault, or suicide makes calling for help and receiving it difficult for many. As a medical professional, your job is to care for, assess, and treat each patient, no matter what their emergency. With advance preparation and knowledge, along with listening skills and a calm manner, you can learn to de-escalate a situation and provide the patient with the care they need.
Unit 5: Advanced Trauma Management
While you may already know the basics of managing trauma, it is important to clearly understand how to handle specific situations, especially when it comes to possible damage to the body’s major systems. Most humans are averse to scenes of extreme trauma but as an emergency medical responder, you may be called in on a traumatic case to assist the injured. No matter how distressing the injury is, you must keep your calm to manage the scene. Knowing exactly what steps to take will help you to remain calm and allow you to do the best you can for your patient.
Unit 6: Mass Casualty Incidents
When we watch scenes of huge earthquakes, bombings, or airplane crashes, we tend to concentrate on images of bleeding and wounded victims trying to get away from the sight. But what about those who are rushing in? Here, we will learn about how first responders are organized to deal with incidents involving many victims, the dangers they must look out for in entering such scenes, and the methods they use to make sure everyone is provided treatment quickly. While on the outside, it might look like chaos, after learning this information, you will understand the organized efforts of these brave professionals and have the information you need to be of assistance should you run across such a case in your career.
Unit 7: Moving & Transporting Patients
Understanding and knowing how to treat medical issues is a vital skill for emergency medical responders. Following exact procedures when you examine and treat protect the safety of your patient, keeping you from missing anything or causing further harm. Did you know that there are procedures to follow when it comes to moving patients as well? It might seem like moving a patient shouldn’t need instructions. But for their safety, and the safety of medical responders, moving patients requires special techniques and equipment. We’ll now take a closer look at what you need to know to safely move and transport your patients.
Unit 8: Special Situations
Humans can find themselves in trouble in the strangest places. Whether they are trapped in a car, in trouble at sea, exposed to a hazardous chemical, or even fall victim to an industrial accident, their lives are dependent on the knowledge and skill of first responders. As an emergency medical responder, you need to know how to handle these types of special circumstances. What are the dangers specific to each? Are there special procedures involved in handling these situations? What resources are available to help? Let’s look more closely at special cases that you may be dispatched to assist with and learn how your training comes into play.