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Legal Admin Specialist 1B: Taking Care of the Legal Office

Assistente legale amministrativo
Unità di corso del percorso di carriera

Unit 1: Legal Office Administration

We are now going to take a deep dive into the operation of a law office. What does it mean to be responsible for administration of an entire practice full of attorneys and other staff? There are many opportunities to educate yourself about the practice of managing employees and the various laws that govern employers and employees. Let’s examine the pillars of employment law and develop an understanding of the process involved in recruiting and hiring key staff members.

Unit 2: Docket Control

Lawsuits live and die by their deadlines. The client may have the best case in the world and be on the verge of winning a million-dollar verdict—but what happens if the attorney doesn’t file the complaint before the statute of limitations runs out? The client’s case is thrown out. And do you know what happens next? That same client will turn around and sue the attorney for malpractice. Managing the docket and calendar system is essential work for every legal practice.

Unit 3: Wills, Bills & Much More: Special Documents

When you picture a lawyer at work, what do you see? Most people imagine lawyers are always in the courtroom, arguing cases to a judge and jury. In reality, lawyers spend the majority of their time in the office preparing paperwork, doing research, and talking with clients. The American Bar Association estimates that only 1–2 percent of cases ever go to trial. There are also many different areas of the law that don’t involve going to court at all. Some lawyers help clients in other ways, such as with buying and selling real estate or forming new businesses. In each case, administrative assistants play a key part in creating the paperwork behind the scenes for the attorney’s review.

Unit 4: Client Relations 101

At the heart of every law practice is the relationship between the attorney and their client. Lawyers must meet each client’s legal needs in addition to satisfying the client’s personal expectations. It’s similar to every other type of business that must appeal to their customers and keep them happy. But for lawyers, this is also tempered by ethical constraints. There are times when the lawyer-client relationship becomes strained. Do you know how to manage a disgruntled client, or to terminate a relationship that has soured? It is critical to understand how to manage the client’s expectations and balance them against the attorney’s ethical obligations to their client, which becomes very challenging when the client is dissatisfied. This unit will examine the different skills you may need to draw on when dealing with a challenging client relationship.

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Unit 6: Technology in the Legal Office

Technology is a cornerstone of every modern law practice. Tasks that used to be done manually, in person—such as filing documents with the court—have now been simplified and are often done online. That’s one of many reasons why legal administrative assistants need to understand the basic pieces of technology used in every law office. This ranges from understanding the equipment itself to figuring out the various software used to help every assistant be more efficient and productive on the job. More than simplifying day-to-day responsibilities, understanding all aspects of law office technology can help a legal assistant participate in creating cybersecurity policies in the office that help protect against loss of every client’s sensitive data.

Unit 7: Legal Rules About Practice & Procedure

In the real estate business, there is an old adage defining the key aspect of all property: location, location, location. In the legal profession, this translates to: rules, rules, rules. There are rules of law argued by lawyers and applied by courts. There are rules regulating the behavior and practice of attorneys. And there are rules of each court governing practice and procedure in the courtroom. Let’s break it down and take a close look at some of the rules that provide the structure of the legal profession and courtroom practice.

Unit 8: Career Central: Work-Based Learning & Certification

The top tier of legal administrative professionals usually has earned specific credentials, or letters behind their name. These credentials signify a true commitment to excellence in the profession. Becoming a certified paralegal demonstrates that you have significant work experience and have studied the law in depth. Learning on the job and in the classroom are key components of working toward the “Certified Paralegal” title.

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