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Medical Terminology 1B: Discovering Word Foundations

Unità del percorso di carriera dell'amministratore dello studio medico

Unit 1: Waste Away! The Urinary System

As the body takes in the materials that it needs, there has to be a way to get rid of the materials it doesn’t need. When we explore the urinary system, we’ll find out how this happens. We’ll also look at the word parts, terms, and abbreviations that are commonly used to relay information about this system. As with any complicated system, things can go wrong, so we’ll discuss diseases that affect the urinary system and ways to treat them. Come along as we keep what’s good and waste the rest!

Unit 2: Creating the Future: The Reproductive System

What makes a male different from a female? As we explore the reproductive system, we’ll learn about the many organs that make these two very different! We’ll improve our translation skills as we look at word parts and abbreviations related to this system. We will also explore the diseases and conditions related to this system and the many ways to treat them. The world of medical terminology is a big one, let’s put together another piece of the puzzle!

Unit 3: Carry It, Clean It, Fight It: Blood, Lymph, & Immune Systems

What does blood do other than fill the vessels? What’s it made of? How does the body defend itself against invaders? The answers to these questions lie in the exploration of the blood, lymphatic, and immune systems. These systems are so connected we explore them together! During our exploration, we’ll discover diseases and conditions as well as treatments and tests for these systems. We’ll also add another piece to our medical terminology puzzle as we learn word parts, terms, and abbreviations. Let’s see how the body transports, cleans, and defends!

Unit 4: Superpowers? No, Special Senses!

The abilities to see and to hear are remarkable characteristics that allow us to perceive the world differently. These special senses are a lot like superpowers in that they allow us to analyze our surroundings in many ways. As we dig deeper into these senses, we’ll see the conditions and treatments as well as the terminology used to refer to the eyes and ears. As we add this piece of the medical terminology puzzle, we’ll see what kind of powers we really have!

Unit 5: Take What's Needed, Let the Rest Go: The Digestive System

For humans, food is one of the essential elements needed to survive, but what does the body do with that food once we take it in? We’ll now find out by tracking the course of food through the digestive system to discover the organs and the parts of those organs that make them work properly. We’ll see the many word parts and abbreviations that are used to describe this system, as well as its conditions, diseases, tests, and treatments. This journey takes many twists and turns, let’s start the adventure!

Unit 6: Taking Control! The Endocrine System

Have you ever wondered what controls the processes in the body? What makes one thing speed up but later slow down? The answer to these questions is found in the study of the endocrine system. As we explore this complicated world, we’ll investigate the conditions and diseases that occur when things go wrong. We’ll also discover the tools, tests, and treatments to fix those conditions. Before we finish our exploration, we’ll become familiar with the medical language and abbreviations unique to the endocrine system. Let’s find out how the body takes control!

Unit 7: Providing the Foundation: Medical Specialties

As we’ve seen, the body is made of multiple, complex body systems that require vast knowledge to diagnose and treat. To provide the services needed for the diagnosis and treatments of many conditions, medical specialties rise to the occasion! We’ll now explore the prefixes, suffixes, combining forms, and abbreviations that create the medical terminology for these areas. We’ll also identify the tests, procedures, and treatments provided by each area. Let’s discover the areas that give support and provide a firm foundation for the medical world!

Unit 8: Putting It Together: A Healthcare Perspective

As we’ve seen throughout our explorations of the various body systems, each has its own set of conditions, tests, treatments, and medical language. When working in the medical world, those systems aren’t always separate. In many cases, patients have complex issues that cross boundaries and require knowledge of all body systems. Let’s now follow a few patients and see things from a healthcare perspective!

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