Homeschool Learning Designed to Meet YOUR Child's Specific Needs and Interests
The BEST Choices program is for TK-12th grade students and families who love the flexibility of learning anytime, anywhere! BEST Choices allows families to select learning resources to meet individual student learning goals.
Parents work with BEST Academy Educators in this model. Every student benefits from the personalized guidance and support of a California Credentialed BEST Academy Teacher. BEST Academy educators work with each student and family to develop a personalized learning plan based on the student's learning styles and goals. Parents work daily with their student to complete their plan created with their homeschool teacher to the meet the student's specific needs and interests.
Curriculum Type
Grade Levels
Instructional Unit
Personalized education focused on what is BEST for your child, your family, and your values.
Designed for students in grades TK through 12th
Curriculum and Instructional Funds are allocated to Elementary, Middle and High School students. Credentialed Teacher supports parent with learning coaching, curriculum choices, and instruction planning.
Choices encourages families to select the learning resources and curricula that will successfully support the student to demonstrate mastery of "I can" learning objectives. The inclusion of families and educational choices creates greater variety in how young people learn and succeed.
Through a partnership between the school and parent/caregivers, student do their own research and ask questions, instead of relying on pre-selected materials assigned by a district. They also take an active role in their educational path by following their interest and working closely with their assigned teacher to create assignments and track progress.
Student Experience
Sync Instruction Opportunities
Student - Teacher Engagement
Parental Involvement
All students have the opportunity to attend daily live synchronous for each subject.
Students are scheduled for one 1:1 each Learning Period (every 4-weeks).
Parents work closely with their BEST Academy assigned CA-Credentialed teacher to design and implement personalized lessons, plan field trips, and coordinate educational activities within the homeschool community. This close collaboration ensures student progress is being made towards state standards. Parent(s) and student attend weekly Sync check-in and monthly 1:1 meeting with Homeschool Teacher.
BEST Choices
TK-12 Homeschool Learning Academy
Intervention & Academic Support
Small Group Tutoring, Teacher Office Hours, 1:1, digital supplementals (DreamBox, Lexia English, BrainPop, SummitK12, Core5, PowerUP, Beable)
Field Trips
All BEST Academy students are eligible to attend charter-sponsored field trips as well as participate in earning engagements by one of our Curriculum and Enrichment vendor Partners.
Customized curriculum for TK-12th grade students
Credentialed teacher supports parent with learning coaching, curriculum choices, and instruction planning
Families select from a variety of enrichment activities, electives, and extracurricular opportunities
“I Can” learning objectives
Monthly teacher-student meetings
Field trips
Academic supports
南カリフォルニアのベスト 3-12
インディペンデント スタディ チャーター スクール
ブルックフィールド エンジニアリング 化学 テクノロジー学校
学校認定委員会、Western Association of School & Colleges による完全認定
カリフォルニア州認定の教師およびカウンセラー with 比類のない オンライン学 習体験
自分のペースで学習できるカスタマイズされたオンライン カリキュラム オプションと 24 時間年中無休の個別指導による柔軟なスケジューリング