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国際ビジネス: グローバルマネージャー

Business Communications 1A

Business Communications 1A: Introduction

No matter what career you’re planning to pursue, excellent professional communication will be key to your success. Upgrade your abilities in speaking, listening, writing, using and reading body language, and communicating in teams and groups. Discover how to plan, create, and deliver business presentations and communicate through graphics. In no time, you’ll be communicating with confidence, stand out from your peers, and impress your employer.

Global Business 1A

Global Business 1A

Global Business 1A course information coming soon!

Business Communications 1B:

Business Communications 1B: Listen, Speak, & Write in the Workplace

You’ve learned your audience, found your voice, and can read the body’s unspoken words. Now, it’s time to limber up those fingers and learn the P’s and Q’s of communicating in a business setting. In this course, you’re going to take the basic writing skills you’ve developed and revise them so you can take new approaches to planning, building, and distributing documents for a business audience. You’ll continue to explore the essentials of writing while drafting new understandings of business documents, and then you’ll learn to apply your business communication skills to job applications, interviews, and presentations. No matter your career of choice, learning to effectively communicate will help your professionalism grow leaps and bounds. Let’s get writing!

Global Business 1B

Global Business 1B

Global Business 1B course information coming soon!



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