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Marketing 2B: Developing a Sales Team


Unit 1: Sales: People, Processes, & Strategies

Take a walk to the mall and you’ll immediately notice that there are stores everywhere. They may be stores of your favorite brands, kiosks selling mobile phone accessories, or coffee shops. While all of these stores sell different things, they all depend on one thing to survive: sales. Sales is what allows each business to make money so they can expand their operations. But there’s a lot more to this profession than you may think. You’re about to discover the secrets of sales!

Unit 2: The Numbers Behind the Sales

Numbers are the foundation of sales. They help businesses keep track of how much money they’re making, what customers are buying, and how fast the company is growing. Most of the basic operations you learned in your high school math class will be used almost daily if you pick a career in sales. You’ll need to know how to use division to calculate return on investment, how to use percentages, and how to perform basic algebra to figure out missing information. The good news is that this isn’t as hard as it sounds. Let’s discover the numbers behind the sales!

Unit 3: Better Together: The Sales Team

From Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca to Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and Sven, teams can always accomplish more than an individual. Whether fighting villains or selling software, a group of people working together is proof that there is power in numbers. Team work makes the dream work, right? But you can’t expect people to know how to function as a unit if they’ve never been taught how to do that! There are ways to increase a team’s effectiveness that can make all the difference. Organizational structure, sales territory design, relationship building, and problem solving are all critical components of group performance. Worried about how to collaborate with a team? Let it go! We’ll give you the tools you need to succeed in any sales environment. May the sales force be with you!

Unit 4: Finding &Hiring Good Salespeople

If you take a look at some of the most successful products or services, you’ll notice that there was a team of hard-working salespeople behind them. Salespeople are a critical part of any organization. If you’ve ever bought anything, there’s a high probability that it was because a salesperson convinced you to do so. You might have seen something you liked in a store but weren’t sure if it was right for you. But then a salesperson came along and answered all your questions until you were ready to buy. Companies spend lots of time finding and hiring good salespeople because they can be the difference between being profitable and not. We’re about to reveal everything that goes behind finding and hiring sales superstars!

Unit 5: Managing & Training Salespeople

There’s a lot more to being a salesperson than picking up the phone and making hundreds of calls a day. Salespeople manage customer relationships, solve problems, and develop the processes that make money for the company. To master all these skills, salespeople require the right management and training. Companies have many exciting ways to train their salespeople, and we’re about to finally uncover all of the methods used by the top sales teams in the world. Let’s get started!

Unit 6: Sales Motivation & Compensation

Have you ever wondered what keeps salespeople going? What makes them get up every morning to make phone calls and send out emails? The answer is simple—motivation. Sales motivation helps companies get the best out of their team so they can go above and beyond. It also helps salespeople to enjoy coming to work every day. If you’ve ever wondered how sales motivation works, then now is your chance. Let’s explore the world of sales motivation and compensation!

Unit 7: Evaluating Sales Performance

Sales is a highly competitive profession that rewards top performers. In most sales roles, you’ll find that there many ways that each individual salesperson gets evaluated. Supervisors may look at the amount of revenue that each salesperson brings in to determine their effectiveness, but they may also look at other qualities such as their prioritization and communication skills. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to evaluating sales performance, so let’s dive right in and get started!

Unit 8: Technological Tools & the Future of Marketing and Sales

Being an effective marketer is all about knowing how to use the right tools. Everything has moved to the internet, which means that everything you need to create a successful marketing campaign is just one click away. The best part about it all is that technology allows you to accurately track your performance so you can make adjustments based on real data. But that’s not all. In the future, marketing and sales technology will be hundreds of times more powerful than it is now, making it possible to uncover insights like never before. Let’s explore what’s in store for the future!



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