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EKG Technician 1A: Introduction


Unit 1: Cardiovascular Health Awareness

Why is cardiovascular health such a hot topic? How important is it, anyway? Using reputable sources to analyze data, we’ll see the staggering statistics that answer these questions. We’ll also discover what actions are taken based on this data and compare preventative measures for diagnosis and treatment. Using this information, we’ll get “heart smart” and learn about the major steps that have been taken to improve cardiovascular health awareness.

Unit 2: Preparing for Cardiovascular Careers

Choosing a career can be a stressful and overwhelming decision! One of the best ways to approach this task is to learn about the careers available as well as the skills and traits required to be successful in that field. With this newfound knowledge, you’ll be ready to face this type of decision head-on. Get excited as we build the knowledge and skill base to prepare you for a cardiovascular career!

Unit 3: Legal, Ethical, & Safety Considerations

Coming into a healthcare facility can be a scary experience for anyone, but knowing healthcare professionals play a role in protecting the patient helps ease some of that anxiety. As we explore the legal, ethical, and safety measures used in health occupations, we’ll learn about the steps taken to create a safe environment in which the patient’s rights are protected at all times. We’ll also examine the role of HIPAA legislation and how other regulations impact the patient care process.

Unit 4: An In-Depth Look at the Cardiovascular System

At this point, we’ve explored major parts of the cardiovascular system such as the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries, but how do all of these things really work? As we zoom in a little closer, we’ll identify the functions of each component all the way down to the cellular level! With this new knowledge, we’ll analyze what makes a heart beat and how this impacts blood flow and other functions within the system. We may have scratched the surface before, but now, we’re ready to take an in-depth look at the cardiovascular system!

Unit 5: Analyze & Identify Pathophysiology

Recognizing when something is wrong with a patient is a critical skill for any healthcare worker to have. When dealing with the cardiac, circulatory, pulmonary, and autonomic nervous systems, signs and symptoms help alert healthcare professionals to potential problems so that they can respond appropriately. As we explore different diseases and disorders of these systems, we’ll identify signs and symptoms so that we can respond to medical situations appropriately.

Unit 6: Lead Placement & Why It Matters

We know about the importance of the waveform produced by an EKG, but how do we get a recording of it? Isn’t the recording the same no matter where we record it from? A critical function of an EKG technician is placing the electrodes and the leads so that the test accurately reflects what the heart is doing. Although this task may seem simple, there’s a lot more to it than you might think. Let’s break down the lead placement process and gain an understanding of exactly why it matters so much.

Unit 7: Types of EKG Testing & Documentation Processes

When we think of an EKG, we picture the electrodes connected to the patient’s chest, but there’s more to the world of EKG than a few wires! The principles and equipment used in performing an EKG allow healthcare providers to expand testing on patients to get a better understanding of what’s really going on. As part of this process, EKG techs document everything along the way. Have you ever been a patient and wondered what the healthcare professional was writing or typing about you? Here’s your chance to find out!

Unit 8: Exploring EKG Equipment

An EKG machine is like any other EKG machine, right? Not quite! As we explore the history of the development of the EKG, we’ll see how the techniques and devices used for testing have changed over time. As part of our exploration, we’ll investigate the skills and knowledge needed to maintain and troubleshoot this equipment. We’ll also see how the machine’s settings influence its performance during testing. Gear up for a glimpse of the technical side of EKGs!



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