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Medical Diagnostic Technology 1B: Exploring Systems & Procedures


Unit 1: How an X-Ray Works

When we think of a patient getting an X-ray, we think of the technologist taking the patient into a room and taking a picture. But there’s so much more to it than that! We’ll explore how X-rays are produced in the tube, how they interact with the patient’s body part to form an invisible image, how that image is processed, and the importance of image quality for diagnosis. We’ll also investigate how technological advances changed this world by creating a digital process. Let’s discover how an X-ray really works!

Unit 2: Investigating the Lungs

We breathe constantly without thinking much about it, but any issues with this process can cause major issues with the body! How does the body maintain this remarkable, ongoing process? How is a diagnosis made if something goes wrong? For this part of our journey, we’ll look at the structures of the lungs, their function, the tools that measure this function, and the role medical diagnostic technology plays in identifying lung conditions. It’s time for us to check out the lungs!

Unit 3: Investigating the Heart

If you exercise or walk up a flight of stairs, you probably feel your heart pumping. You may even hear it! But the heart works all day every day and most of the time, we don’t even notice! How does an organ that’s so important to the body work? What happens when things go wrong? We’re going to analyze the structure and function of the cardiovascular system as well as cardiac conduction and circulatory pathways to help answer these questions. We’ll also identify tools and procedures used to verify conditions that impact this system. And what actions can we take when these conditions cause an emergency situation? We’ll also look at the healthcare professionals who help diagnose and treat patients with these conditions. It’s time to investigate the heart!

Unit 4: Keep It Beating! EKGs & Cardiac Monitoring Tools

As we know, there’s so much more to a heartbeat! Using cardiac monitoring tools like EKGs help us assess and diagnose cardiovascular conditions. As we delve into these tools, we’ll see how to set them up, care for patients during these tests, adjust for patient conditions, analyze the results, and troubleshoot if something isn’t working correctly. We’ll also cover the signs and symptoms of emergencies during these tests and how to respond to them. With this knowledge, we’ll help keep the heart beating like a drum!

Unit 5: Take a Deeper Look: Special Diagnostic Studies

What protects us from the elements? How do we regulate body temperature? What happens to humans if reproductive ability stops? The body has many specialized systems that perform often-overlooked but extremely important functions like these. We’ll explore these systems and investigate the medical diagnostic technology used to diagnose and treat conditions related to these systems. Let’s take a deeper look at special diagnostic studies!

Unit 6: Other Diagnostic Imaging Modalities

How do physicians decide what type of imaging study to order? Is one kind better than another? As we investigate various diagnostic imaging modalities, we’ll analyze the differences between them as well as their advantages and disadvantages to find answers to these and other questions. We’ll use the muscular and endocrine systems as examples of how completely different systems require unique tests to arrive at diagnoses. It’s time to break down other diagnostic imaging modalities in a quest to find what’s best!

Unit 7: Dye It! Contrast Studies as Diagnostic Tools

How can we see the details of the tissues and organs inside the body? Even with diagnostic imaging modalities, some body structures aren’t as clear or as detailed as we need them to be to get an accurate diagnosis. That’s where contrast plays a role! The many types of contrast allow healthcare providers to take a closer look at structures deep inside the body. As we explore the world of contrast, we’ll see how these dyes allow us to visualize a wide range of structures, leading to more accuracy in diagnosis!

Unit 8: Looking Into the Future: Diagnostic Technologies

With so many options in medical diagnostics technology already, where is the future of diagnosis and treatment headed? We’ll take a look at where it all began and delve into the newest technologies being developed and used today. We’ll also examine some barriers to using new technologies and how the healthcare industry responds to them. Get your time machine ready because we’re going to be looking into the future of developing medical diagnostic technology!



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