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Web 開発者キャリア パスウェイ コース

Digital Media Fundamentals 1A

Digital Media Fundamentals 1A: Introduction

Discover your talent for building digital media applications using text, graphics, animations, sounds, videos, and more! Learn about the elements that make impressive media, such as typography, color theory, design, and manipulation. Explore careers to apply your digital media skills and find your place in this fast-paced and exciting field!

Digital Media Web Design 2A

Digital Media Web Design 2A: Build a Portfolio Website

Did you know that you are consuming digital media every time you open an app or use your computer or tablet? Digital media may be a webpage, video, image, podcast, form, or more. Explore how you can develop webpages that embed different media and interactivity for excellent user experience through programming languages such as HTML and CSS. Examine trends and opportunities, education requirements, student organizations, and industry certification options. It’s your turn to start designing websites and experiences for digital media consumers.

Digital Media Fundamentals 1B

Digital Media Fundamentals 1B: Producing for the Web

Let’s polish your digital media skills and help you learn all about web design. Incorporate your creative ideas into websites and discover the basics of marketing to understand how your work can be used effectively. You’ll also explore the world of podcasts and audio editing to construct a solid foundation from which you can pursue a career in this exciting field.

Digital Media Web Design 2B

Digital Media Web Design 2B: Build an eCommerce Website

Think of the best online stores you’ve visited. What do you think makes them unique? How do they keep buyers engaged and purchasing? Before you can design a great eCommerce store, it’s essential to understand how one works. Learn the trends, design principles, and security strategies. Explore what it means to adhere to ethical and legal requirements and complying with industry standards and accessibility. It’s time to start designing the next best eCommerce site!



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BEST Academy は機会均等雇用者/プログラムであり、積極的な差別禁止プログラムに取り組んでいます。 BEST アカデミーは、実際のまたは認識されている家系、年齢、肌の色、性別表現、国籍、人種または民族性、性別、性的指向、またはこれらの実際の 1 つ以上を持つ個人またはグループとの関連に基づく差別、嫌がらせ、脅迫、およびいじめを禁止します。または認識された特性. 

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