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Curriculum & Enrichment Partners

Student Instructional Funds

BEST Academy は、家族を親と生徒のリソース、イベント、ワークショップ、ビデオ、配布資料などに結び付けます。


Choose Your BEST Partner
  • We are committed to ensuring that all of our students benefit from equal educational opportunities and believe that there is no one curriculum that fits all learning styles and needs.

  • BEST Academy’s vetted, high-quality, educational curriculum and enrichment partners provide materials and service options for enrolled students.

  • Families have the ability to build customized curricula and enrichment plans that are personalized to students' individual needs, abilities, and interests.

  • Families work with their credentialed homeschool teacher to ensure that the materials and coursework being ordered are in accordance with their course of study and educational pathway.

Approved Vendor List
ASU Prep Global Academy
ASU Prep Global Academy offers online courses that transcend the traditional boundaries between high school and college and eliminate the barriers based on location, modality, background, and income.
Tempe, AZ
Abacus Learning
Abacus Learning provides virtual academic instruction for students 4th grade and up who struggle with basic math skills AND/OR Language Arts.
Escondido, CA
Acorn Naturalists
Acorn Naturalists offers school supplies, science and nature activity kits, and hands-on educational resources.
Tustin, CA
Active Kids 2.0
Active Kids 2.0 is a simple and effective program offering a variety of classes that will target the competitive athlete or the young kid that wants to stay active with a superhero instructor.
Daytona Beach, FL
Amanda's Adaptive Martial Arts
Teaching the benefits of martial arts to children with special needs
San Diego, CA
American Martial Arts Academy-Placentia Campus
American Martial Arts Academy offers classes at their Fullerton Studio.
Placentia, CA
AoPS Incorporated (Art of Problem Solving)
Online classes for Art of Problem Solving provide online math classes for ages 11 thru 18. This mathematics curriculum is specifically designed for high-performing math students.
San Diego, CA
Basurto Music & Academics
Basurto Music & Academics provides online music lessons, tutoring sessions, and in-person private and semi-private sessions.
La Habra, CA
Best Life Ever Language
My name is Blake Litschke and I am a certified foreign language teacher. I speak fluent English, Spanish, French and Haitian Creole, and I am happy to offer my services to help students of all ages learn too!
Chula Vista, CA
BioBox Labs
BioBox Labs is a fun and innovative monthly Life Science subscription box filled with everything needed to spark your students love of science. Ideal for students ages 7 to 14.
Arcadia, CA
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Approved Vendor List for Community & Enrichmen Partners
Information for Curriculum & Enrichment Partners

We are currently adding new providers for the 2023-24 school year. Please check back again, as new providers are being added on a weekly basis. If you would like to become a BEST Academy Curriculum or Enrichment Partner, please contact

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  • BEST Academy Twitter Handle
  • BEST Academy YouTube Channel



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