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Jessica Navarro De Leon

Success Coach

My name is Jessica Navarro De Leon and I am a Success Coach. I am a San Diego native and graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management and a minor in Chicano and Chicana Studies. I completed my Master’s Degree in Leadership and Organizational Studies at Azusa Pacific University. I worked in the hospitality and event industry for 10 years. Most recently, I was a community liaison at a high school in the South Bay for 4 years. I have a passion for helping students succeed and achieve their goals. In my free time, I love exploring San Diego and creating amazing memories with my family. I am a wife and mom of two amazing kids.



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1704 ホーン岬

カリフォルニア州ジュリアン 92036

833-619-ベスト (2378)

FAX: 619-359-8977


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