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사이버 보안 전문가 진로 과정

Network Security Fundamentals 1A

Network Security Fundamentals 1A: Introduction

Have you seen news headlines about cyber data breaches or hacks? With so many businesses working hard to ensure that their data and their customers’ information stay safe and secure, it’s no wonder that careers in cybersecurity are in high demand. Learn what information security is, hackers, viruses, spyware, network systems, identifying potential vulnerabilities, protecting against attacks, and creating a disaster and response plan if breaches do occur. Could you be the security specialist that stops the next cyberattack?

Operational Cybersecurity 1A

Operational Cybersecurity 1A: Introduction

Even when we use the strongest bricks, Firewalls can be breached and other security measures can be exploited by malicious cyberattackers. In this course, you will assume your role as Chief Information Security Officer (CICO) responsible for a data network’s design, maintenance, and end-user training. You will explore essentials of keeping networks safe and secure through the use of cryptology, keys, and certificates before moving into the important practice of risk assessment. In the end, your attention will shift to mitigating and managing identified risks and working with key stakeholders to improve the organization’s security posture and disaster response. Are you ready to help businesses protect personal information and outsmart cyber attackers? Grab your white hat, BYOD, and let’s get started!

Network Security Fundamentals 1B

Network Security Fundamentals 1B: Forensics & Permissions

As the world becomes increasingly more interconnected by technology, computer and mobile-based crimes are becoming more prevalent. Explore cyber forensics, encryption, cryptography and cryptology, user and password management to mitigate large data breaches, and other threats, vulnerabilities, and security issues. Discover what it takes to enter this high-demand career field. As a cybersecurity specialist, you’ll never get bored with trying to keep individuals and organizations safe!

Operational Cybersecurity 1B

Operational Cybersecurity 1B: Security & Planning in the Workplace

More and more, companies are under attack by malicious cyber attackers compromising the security of sensitive employee, customer, and societal data. In this course, you will dive into data security in the workplace and will learn ways to mitigate cyber threats that lurk in dark corners. You will step into the familiar shoes of CISO, this time at a startup company, making decisions about access and authentication protocols, security planning, and expanding the business in a safe way. Lastly, you will explore real-world security breaches, how they were solved, and step-by-step instructions to setup robust security policies. Let’s continue forging your cybersecurity stronghold against cyber attackers and keep sensitive data secure.

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1704 케이프 혼

줄리안, CA 92036

833-619-베스트 (2378)

팩스: 619-359-8977

정보 요청

이 웹사이트를 모든 사용자가 액세스할 수 있도록 하는 것이 Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy의 목표입니다. 당신은 우리의 접근성 성명을 볼 수 있습니다여기.  제발연락하다접근성 문제에 대한 BEST 아카데미

BEST Academy는 평등한 기회를 제공하는 고용주/프로그램이며 적극적인 비차별 프로그램에 전념하고 있습니다. BEST Academy는 실제 또는 인지된 혈통, 연령, 피부색, 성별 표현, 국적, 인종 또는 민족, 성별, 성적 취향, 또는 이러한 실제 중 하나 이상을 가진 개인 또는 그룹과의 연관성에 근거한 차별, 괴롭힘, 위협 및 따돌림을 금지합니다. 또는 인지된 특성. 

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