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교육, 아동 발달 및 가족 서비스 직업 진로 과정

Real World Parenting

Real World Parenting

Do you love children? Maybe you plan on babysitting or having your own someday. Learn how being a parent is much more than merely feeding, bathing, and protecting a child. Creating a positive environment, nurturing, fostering education, and serving as a role model are critical aspects. Learn how to be a positive force in the development of your future children, as well as others around you.

Early Childhood Education 1A

Early Childhood Education 1A: Introduction

Are you curious to see what it takes to educate and nurture early learners? Use your curiosity to explore the fundamentals of childcare, like nutrition and safety, but also the complex relationships caregivers have with parents and their children. Examine the various life stages of child development and the best educational practices to enrich their minds while thinking about a possible future as a childcare provider!

Nutrition & Wellness

Nutrition & Wellness

To keep our body and our mind running like finely tuned machines, we need to use the right fuel. For humans, that means nourishing our bodies with the right foods. In this course, you’ll explore how food affects essential aspects of your life from your weight to how you age to how well you think. You’ll also examine how outside influences- family, peers, and the media- can affect your diet and your perception of food and how to set yourself up for nutritional success. Are you interested in a career in holistic wellness? Start your health journey now with Nutrition and Wellness.

Early Childhood Education 1B

Early Childhood Education 1B: Developing Early Learners

Discover the joys of providing exceptional childcare and helping to develop future generations. Learn the importance of play and use it to build engaging educational activities that build literacy and math skills through each stage of childhood and special need. Use this knowledge to develop your professional skills well suited to a career in childcare.

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베스트 아카데미

1704 케이프 혼

줄리안, CA 92036

833-619-베스트 (2378)

팩스: 619-359-8977

정보 요청

이 웹사이트를 모든 사용자가 액세스할 수 있도록 하는 것이 Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy의 목표입니다. 당신은 우리의 접근성 성명을 볼 수 있습니다여기.  제발연락하다접근성 문제에 대한 BEST 아카데미

BEST Academy는 평등한 기회를 제공하는 고용주/프로그램이며 적극적인 비차별 프로그램에 전념하고 있습니다. BEST Academy는 실제 또는 인지된 혈통, 연령, 피부색, 성별 표현, 국적, 인종 또는 민족, 성별, 성적 취향, 또는 이러한 실제 중 하나 이상을 가진 개인 또는 그룹과의 연관성에 근거한 차별, 괴롭힘, 위협 및 따돌림을 금지합니다. 또는 인지된 특성. 

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