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Digital Media Web Design 2B: Build an eCommerce Website

웹 개발자
Career Pathway 과정 단위

Unit 1: Project Management

Effective websites aren’t created in a day—they require planning and process. The bigger the site, the more important the process becomes. Website development teams usually include project managers who keep track of the development process and make sure everyone on the team knows their responsibilities, deadlines, and budgets. Even if you’re working on a small website and you’re the only team member, it’s still advisable to follow the phases of project management throughout the development process.

Unit 2: Web Development Tools

Popular eCommerce sites make use of all the newest web development trends to attract viewers and persuade them to stay long enough to put items in their shopping carts. That’s why creating an enterprise eCommerce website has often been a complicated undertaking that requires an experienced team with knowledge and skills in programming languages. However, the rise of easy-to-use GUI-based web development platforms have made it possible for anyone—even someone with very little experience in web development—to create a stunning eCommerce site that can do all the same tricks as the leading eCommerce sites that were built with a big team and a massive budget.

Unit 3: Website Standards & Accessibility

As you’re planning and designing your eCommerce site, there are many important things to think about, including the ethical and legal issues involved in web development. As someone hosting a business online, an eCommerce store, you’ll want to follow laws like the Copyright Act and the Americans with Disability Act. It’s also important to follow the industry standards set by the W3C for issues involving privacy, property ownership, usability, and accessibility.

Unit 4: Understanding eCommerce

Before you can design an effective online storefront, it’s important to understand how eCommerce works, and to do that, you must be able to define some important industry terms and phrases. If you want to attract customers and encourage multiple visits, it’s important to stay on top of the trends in digital media and eCommerce. It’s a fast-moving industry, and customers expect you to stay up to date with new technology. The market space is crowded with competition, so it’s quite easy for customers to find other stores offering similar products. The most important means of attracting and keeping customers is to develop a clear brand identity for your company that is communicated through the design and style of your site and the digital media you feature on it.

Unit 5: Designing Your eCommerce Site

Once you’ve determined what your eCommerce brand stands for and how you’ll communicate it with a brand statement, color palette, and a logo, it’s time to design the layout of each page on your site. Each page is an opportunity to teach your customers about your brand and to make it appealing to them. You can do that with some basic knowledge of the principles of visual design for websites, including layout, flow, proximity, alignment, white space, and repetition. As you design, it’s of utmost importance to keep your customers in mind—design for them and make sure your site is intuitive and easy to use.

Unit 6: Create an eCommerce Website

Now that the planning phase is over, it’s time to start building the pages of your eCommerce website. Keep your customer at the center of everything you do, from last minute design decisions to how you write the text that describes your products. If you want your online store to be a success, you must commit to creating pages that are both engaging and interactive for your target market.

Unit 7: Securing, Testing, & Launching an eCommerce Site

Because you’re expecting to exchange products and services for money on your site, security and testing are critical parts of your web development process. Security is important for your customer, to keep their financial information safe, and for you, to keep the site and the information it collects safe from hackers. Testing is important in both the pre- and post-launch phases of web development to ensure that users will encounter a site that works and is easy to use. Once your site is launched and receiving customers, it’s important to analyze how the site is performing and to update and maintain it in top form to make sure customers want to keep coming back.

Unit 8: Marketing Your Site

Now that you’ve planned, designed, created, and launched your eCommerce site, you need to drive traffic to it. The best way to promote an online store is through online communication—that’s where your customers are. But how can you find them? If you commit time to marketing your site, you don’t even have to pay for advertising. There are plenty of free things you can do to promote your products. Put together a solid marketing strategy that includes best practices, social media marketing, and search engine optimization.

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