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Legal Admin Specialist 1A: Introduction

법률 행정 보조
Career Pathway 과정 단위

Unit 1: Legal Path: Past & Present

Do you know how our legal system works or what court personnel—the people who work inside a courtroom—actually do? In this unit, we will provide an overview of the law. Specifically, we will cover what a law is, where it comes from, why we have laws, and who enforces them. It’s empowering to know how the legal system works!

Unit 2: Finding Your Place: Areas & Roles in Law

Have you ever wondered how many different areas of law there are or what kinds of offices lawyers practice in? Have you ever watched a legal TV drama and wondered about the staff that exists behind the scenes to support the impassioned prosecutors and defense attorneys? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’re in luck. This unit is your introduction to the actual practice of law and how legal administrative specialists fit into the picture. There are so many areas of the law in which to practice, and new ones are forming every day. Because the world is becoming increasingly complex and reliant on technology as well as new regulations, there will be an ongoing need for legal services.

Unit 3: Getting to Know the Legal Office

We are going to teach you everything you need to know about legal research and writing, including how to draft pleadings to file a lawsuit and keep track of your time so that you get paid! Legal writing is a special creature. Once you have mastered it, you will lie awake at night thinking up ways to persuade your parents and teachers about all your brilliant ideas. That’s how the legal world works. Use your ability to research, apply logic, and write persuasively to convince people of your position, and you will never go wrong.

Unit 4: Professional Pieces: Ethics, Confidentiality, & More

Most career fields are kept in check through the use of statutes, but law is a self-regulating industry. Did you know that banks are overseen by the US Department of the Treasury (SEC, FDIC, etc.) and must comply with state laws? Similarly, teachers are governed by the US Department of Education and local laws. The legal profession, however, is monitored almost exclusively by state bar associations and state supreme courts. Thus, the rules that apply to this field are created exclusively by those who participate in it. This is a great honor and a great responsibility. Let’s learn about what the rules are, who creates them, and why.

Unit 5: Working with Legal Documents

Whether it’s a legal brief to file with the court or a contract to sell a multi-million-dollar business, paperwork is an essential part of every law practice. Legal administrative assistants are heavily involved in drafting documents. Let’s take a look at each document category and learn some valuable tools of the trade to help your skills shine.

Unit 6: Office Essentials

Working in an office involves more than just sitting at a desk using your computer all day. You may not realize that the layout of the office is very intentional, and there can be policies in place about how you organize your own office or workspace. Additionally, technology now makes it possible to set up a virtual law office in some circumstances. Whether you work in a physical office or virtually from home, as a legal administrative assistant, you will need to understand all aspects of the office space as part of your job duties. This includes everything from office equipment like copiers and scanners to the cybersecurity practices needed to keep online information safe.

Unit 7: Managing Time &Communication

Interacting with clients and coworkers will be a critical component of your work as a legal administrative specialist. Communication skills are among the most valuable tools you will have available to you to navigate every situation you may encounter. This ability to communicate effectively, coupled with time management strategies, will set you up for success in your legal career. Are you ready to get started?

Unit 8: Career Central: Landing a Job

Do you picture yourself working in a law office or maybe even in a courtroom someday? If so, you need to consider which avenue to take because there is a wide variety of opportunities available in the legal field. You might even think about going to law school at some point, but the legal profession is filled with people in many roles—not just lawyers. There are so many directions you could pursue! Let’s start with an in-depth look at several options and then learn exactly how to go about landing your dream legal job.

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