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BEST Academy Accredited, Public Charter School

Tuition-Free, Accredited, TK-12 Public Charter School

Now Enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year! 

지금 연락하세요!

Get in touch!

완전 인증, 등록금 면제
3-12 공립 차터 스쿨
유연성을 위한 설계
온라인 학습

Designed for TK-12 Students

BEST Choices

Designed for Homeschool Families


 Ignite your child's educational journey! From interactive platforms to personalized curriculum, discover the ultimate empowerment for homeschool families seeking the perfect learning resources tailored to their student's unique goals.

BEST Academy Educational Programs

bEST Hybrid

Designed for Homeschool Families

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Dive into a world of endless possibilities with BEST Hybrid offering families the ultimate flexibility in tailoring their child's learning journey. With a perfect blend of digital and traditional curriculum, every student can achieve their individual goals.

BEST Academy Educational Programs

BEST Digital

Designed for Independent Study Learners

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 Open the doors to a world of knowledge with BEST Digital. Gain access to award-winning, accredited, online courses that will take your virtual learning experience to new heights. Get ready to elevate your education and pave the path to academic success.

BEST Academy Educational Programs

BEST Honors

Designed for College-Bound HS Students

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Unlock your full potential in high school with BEST Honors! With a wide range of A-G approved courses and CTE options, students have the freedom to explore their passions and gain valuable college credits while still in high school.

BEST Academy Educational Programs
BEST Academy Vision


BEST Academy

학교 인증 위원회, Western Association of Schools & Colleges의 완전 인증

캘리포니아 공인 교사 및 카운슬러 with 비할 데 없는 온라인 학습 체험  

학생 성공을 위한 맞춤형 지도 및 지원과 결합된 대학 및 직업 경로

자율 학습 및 유연한 일정 관리를 위한 연중무휴 과외가 포함된 맞춤형 온라인 커리큘럼 옵션 

where education meets flexibility and personalized learning

Educational Program Highlights

  • Customized curriculum for TK-8th grade students

  • Credentialed teacher supports parent with learning coaching, curriculum choices, and instruction planning

  • Families select from a variety of enrichment activities, electives, and extracurricular opportunities

  • “I Can” learning objectives

  • Monthly teacher-student meetings

  • Field trips

  • Academic supports

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Designed for families seeking a more personalized curriculum & support

Now Enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year!

연결하다. 발견하다. 관계를 맺다.
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우리를 따르십시오!

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  • BEST Academy Twitter Handle
  • BEST Academy YouTube Channel


베스트 아카데미

1704 케이프 혼

줄리안, CA 92036

833-619-베스트 (2378)

팩스: 619-359-8977

정보 요청

이 웹사이트를 모든 사용자가 액세스할 수 있도록 하는 것이 Brookfield Engineering Science Technology Academy의 목표입니다. 당신은 우리의 접근성 성명을 볼 수 있습니다여기.  제발연락하다접근성 문제에 대한 BEST 아카데미

BEST Academy는 평등한 기회를 제공하는 고용주/프로그램이며 적극적인 비차별 프로그램에 전념하고 있습니다. BEST Academy는 실제 또는 인지된 혈통, 연령, 피부색, 성별 표현, 국적, 인종 또는 민족, 성별, 성적 취향, 또는 이러한 실제 중 하나 이상을 가진 개인 또는 그룹과의 연관성에 근거한 차별, 괴롭힘, 위협 및 따돌림을 금지합니다. 또는 인지된 특성. 

© 2022 브룩필드 엔지니어링 과학 기술 아카데미. 판권 소유.

에서 디자인한 웹사이트조형교육

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