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Cosmetology 3B: Waving, Coloring, & Advancing Hair Skills

Kosmetologė, kosmetologė, plaukų stilistė
Karjeros kelio kursų skyriai

Unit 1: The Art of Hairstyling

Did you ever wonder how a celebrity with short, curly hair one day could have long, straight hair on the red carpet the next? It all comes down to style. A skilled cosmetologist knows that there are many ways to alter a client’s hair or create a distinct style. Adding elements such as hairpieces or extensions can change everything from color to texture. With a little imagination, the possibilities are endless!

Unit 2: The Cutting Edge: Haircutting 101

Have you ever wondered how cosmetologists get both sides of a haircut to come out even or know how the layers will shape the final cut? It takes a lot of skill to put it all together and create a polished look. Everything from the shape of the head to the texture of the hair will determine how the hair lies. Learning some classic cuts is a good place to begin, especially since many hair trends are variations of classics. No cut will work well without the proper tools, so be sure to have the right tools for the job on hand!

Unit 3: Barbering Skills

What is the difference between barbering and cosmetology? Barbering focuses exclusively on men and includes specialties like shaving, but creating an attractive hairstyle for men is fundamental to both fields. Fortunately, the same principles of design apply when working with men. In some cases, facial hair can be used to balance the face even further, so be ready to work with a razor! As more and more men prefer old-school shaves, the razor is coming back into mainstream culture. Of course, classic cuts that depend on clippers are not going anywhere, so good clipper skills are an important part of a career in cosmetology. As always, health and safety are key, so proper standards of cleanliness are part of any cosmetology or barbering license.

Unit 4: Riding The Waves of Cosmetology Chemistry

Whether you’re making straight hair curly or curly hair straight, get ready to do some chemistry! For clients who want to change the texture of their hair, there are a lot of options. For cosmetologists, this means there is a lot to learn. From mixing the chemicals to setting the rollers at just the right angle, every detail counts. Once you have the basics down, the possibilities are endless, and you can count on your clients walking out of the salon satisfied with their new look. Fortunately, many of the principles you learn here will help in other fields within cosmetology, so get ready to lean about chemistry.

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