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Joel Manwarren

Director of School

Joel Manwarren has 20 years of experience in education both as a teacher and leader. Born in upstate New York and raised in both Maine and New York state, Joel received his BA in History/Secondary Education from a private university in Ohio before moving to Los Angeles in 2004. Since that time Joel has served in public charter school education as a history teacher, department chair, and school administrator. He has experience in both traditional charter school’s as well as online independent study charter school’s. He received his Masters in Educational Technology Leadership as well as a certificate for online learning from California State University Los Angeles in 2016. Joel combines his love of history and culture to his love of travel and enjoys visiting historical sites around the world whenever he gets a chance. He brings that same passion for travel and history to serving others, and works collaboratively to get the job done. He is honored to be leading at a school which provides an alternative learning environment to help students meet their college and career goals.

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GERIAUSIA akademija

1704 m. Horno kyšulys

Julianas, CA 92036

833-619-BEST (2378)

FAX: 619-359-8977

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