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Kozi za Njia ya Utunzaji wa Mgahawa

Culinary Arts 1A

Culinary Arts 1A: Introduction

Thinking of a career in the foodservice industry or looking to develop your culinary skills? Explore basic cooking and knife skills while preparing you for entry into the culinary world. Discover the history of food culture, food service, and global cuisines while learning about food science principles and preservation. Prepare for your future by building the professional, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills that are crucial to a career in the culinary arts.

Restaurant Management 1A

Restaurant Management 1A

Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant? Explore exactly what’s needed to run a successful restaurant, including ordering supplies, hiring quality workers, maintaining inventory, and managing a large staff. Understanding such concepts as food safety, hygiene, customer relations, marketing, and using a point-of-sale system are crucial to being an effective restaurateur. Whether you are hoping to operate a casual sit-down eatery, oversee a fine dining establishment, or buy a food franchise, this course is the perfect first step.

Culinary Arts 1B

Culinary Arts 1B: Finding Your Palate

Did you know that baking is considered a science? Discover how to elevate your culinary skills through the creation of stocks, soups, sauces, and learn baking techniques. Examine sustainable food practices and the benefits of nutrition while maintaining taste, plating, and presentation to truly wow your guests. Explore careers in the culinary arts for ways to channel your newfound passion!

Restaurant Management 1B

Restaurant Management 1B

Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant? Explore exactly what’s needed to run a successful restaurant, including ordering supplies, hiring quality workers, maintaining inventory, and managing a large staff. Understanding such concepts as food safety, hygiene, customer relations, marketing, and using a point-of-sale system are crucial to being an effective restaurateur. Whether you are hoping to operate a casual sit-down eatery, oversee a fine dining establishment, or buy a food franchise, this course is the perfect first step.

Viungo Muhimu


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1704 Pembe ya Cape

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BORA (2378)

FAX: 619-359-8977

Omba Maelezo

Ni lengo la Chuo cha Teknolojia ya Sayansi ya Uhandisi cha Brookfield kwamba tovuti hii inapatikana kwa watumiaji wote. Unaweza kutazama taarifa yetu ya ufikivuhapa.  TafadhalimawasilianoChuo BORA kwa masuala yoyote ya ufikiaji

BEST Academy ni mwajiri/mpango wa fursa sawa na imejitolea kwa Mpango amilifu wa Kutobagua. Chuo cha BORA kinakataza ubaguzi, unyanyasaji, vitisho na uonevu kulingana na nasaba halisi au inayodhaniwa, umri, rangi, jinsia, utaifa, rangi au kabila, jinsia, mwelekeo wa kingono, au kushirikiana na mtu au kikundi na moja au zaidi ya haya halisi. au sifa zinazotambuliwa. 

© 2022 Chuo cha Teknolojia ya Sayansi ya Uhandisi cha Brookfield. Haki zote zimehifadhiwa.

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