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Kozi za Njia ya Ajira ya Mwitikio wa Matibabu ya Dharura

Medical Terminology 1A

Medical Terminology 1A: Introduction

Learning the language is essential for careers in health science. Join word parts to form medical terms, associations within body systems, and better communicate with colleagues and patients. Build your proficiency and confidence with this course and prepare yourself for a career in health sciences.

Emergency Medical Responder 1A

Emergency Medical Responder 1A: Introduction

Have you ever wondered what happens after making a 911 call? Get a realistic look into the day-to-day, fast-paced life of an EMR and how their roles and responsibilities fit into the larger picture with Emergency Medical Services. Discover how to conduct a patient assessment when you arrive on a scene and assess and treat various medical emergencies. If you’ve ever dreamt of being on the front lines, providing quality care to save someone’s life, then explore the exciting career as an Emergency Medical Responder.

Medical Terminology 1B

Medical Terminology 1B: Discovering Word Foundations

Discover the medical terminology associated with even more body systems to increase your ability to master prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Connect this language to real-world patients and clinical settings through practical applications and specific scenarios. Launch your health knowledge with detailed medical terms.

Emergency Medical Responder 1B

Emergency Medical Responder 1B: Prepared for Action

Being an emergency medical responder is dynamic and challenging. EMRs are first responders who are prepared for action! Explore how to care for diverse patients and in unique and even difficult situations. From advanced trauma to childbirth, from mass casualties to special conditions. EMRs are trained to care for, treat, move, and transport patients in various situations and play a vital role as part of an EMS response team.

Viungo Muhimu


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1704 Pembe ya Cape

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BORA (2378)

FAX: 619-359-8977

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Ni lengo la Chuo cha Teknolojia ya Sayansi ya Uhandisi cha Brookfield kwamba tovuti hii inapatikana kwa watumiaji wote. Unaweza kutazama taarifa yetu ya ufikivuhapa.  TafadhalimawasilianoChuo BORA kwa masuala yoyote ya ufikiaji

BEST Academy ni mwajiri/mpango wa fursa sawa na imejitolea kwa Mpango amilifu wa Kutobagua. Chuo cha BORA kinakataza ubaguzi, unyanyasaji, vitisho na uonevu kulingana na nasaba halisi au inayodhaniwa, umri, rangi, jinsia, utaifa, rangi au kabila, jinsia, mwelekeo wa kingono, au kushirikiana na mtu au kikundi na moja au zaidi ya haya halisi. au sifa zinazotambuliwa. 

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