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Kylie Reed


I earned my Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies from the College of Letters and Science at theUniversity of California, Berkeley. I’ve always had a passion for academics, so I was extremely grateful when given the opportunity to pursue a degree from the number one public university in the world while competing at the Division 1 level.
Although challenging at times this educational opportunity encouraged me to grow in ways unimaginable. I continued on to Grand Canyon University where I earned my Master’s Degree in Secondary Education. I truly believe academics serve as my platform to have an impact on our world and its future. With these degrees I hope to impact and change the lives of those who will come after me. Over the past two years I have gained experience working in the classroom. I have worked with students in various academic settings in order to help them reach their full potential.
In my spare time I enjoy going to the beach or river with my family and friends. I love reading biographies and autobiographies because I believe it is important to understand that everyone has a different path in life, and it is life experiences that shape individuals. I truly believe teachers have a great opportunity to leave an ever lasting impact on their students’ lives. It is my goal to teach students not only English Language Arts, but also the lessons that will exceed the classroom walls.

Kylie Reed


Extension 711

Viungo Muhimu


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1704 Pembe ya Cape

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-BORA (2378)

FAX: 619-359-8977

Omba Maelezo

Ni lengo la Chuo cha Teknolojia ya Sayansi ya Uhandisi cha Brookfield kwamba tovuti hii inapatikana kwa watumiaji wote. Unaweza kutazama taarifa yetu ya ufikivuhapa.  TafadhalimawasilianoChuo BORA kwa masuala yoyote ya ufikiaji

BEST Academy ni mwajiri/mpango wa fursa sawa na imejitolea kwa Mpango amilifu wa Kutobagua. Chuo cha BORA kinakataza ubaguzi, unyanyasaji, vitisho na uonevu kulingana na nasaba halisi au inayodhaniwa, umri, rangi, jinsia, utaifa, rangi au kabila, jinsia, mwelekeo wa kingono, au kushirikiana na mtu au kikundi na moja au zaidi ya haya halisi. au sifa zinazotambuliwa. 

© 2022 Chuo cha Teknolojia ya Sayansi ya Uhandisi cha Brookfield. Haki zote zimehifadhiwa.

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