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Các khóa học về lộ trình nghề nghiệp kỹ thuật viên điện tâm đồ / điện tâm đồ

Medical Diagnostic Technology 1A

Medical Diagnostic Technology 1A: Introduction

Have you ever wondered how a health professional knows how to diagnose an illness? Or what medications to prescribe to a patient depending on the person’s body and their signs and symptoms? Learn about different diagnostic technology used and essential body systems and fluids that need to be understood to make an accurate diagnosis of a disease, condition, or illness. This career field is flourishing, and now is the time to be part of it!

EKG Technician 1A

EKG Technician 1A: Introduction

Our hearts are essential to our survival. And EKG technicians play an important role in administering tests and evaluating data given by the electrocardiogram (EKG) to treat patients effectively. Explore the cardiovascular system and its anatomy, and its role in our body, health, and lives. If you’re a people person and want to work in healthcare, build the knowledge and skill base to prepare you for a cardiovascular career.

Medical Diagnostic Technology 1B:

Medical Diagnostic Technology 1B: Exploring Systems & Procedures

Our bodies are complex, and when we start feeling ill, a doctor or specialist must analyze and diagnose what could be wrong. Learn about different diagnostic technology, procedures, essential body systems, and fluids that need to be understood to make an accurate diagnosis of a disease, condition, or illness. This career field is flourishing, and now is the time to be part of it!

EKG Technician 1B

EKG Technician 1B: Analysis & Response

Does the thought of becoming an EKG Technician still make your heart skip a beat? Continue your journey through the peaks and valleys of EKG waves and really dig into the details of the cardiac code to fulfill your ultimate goal: saving lives! This course will prepare you to interpret different EKG waves, how to spot wave abnormalities, how to differentiate between different disorders, and how to treat those disorders. Let’s get ready to continue your adventure into the world of cardiology and a possible career as a EKG Technician!

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Học viện TỐT NHẤT

1704 Cape Horn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-TỐT NHẤT (2378)

SỐ FAX:  619-359-8977

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Học viện BEST là một nhà tuyển dụng / chương trình có cơ hội bình đẳng và cam kết thực hiện một Chương trình Không phân biệt đối xử tích cực. Học viện BEST nghiêm cấm phân biệt đối xử, quấy rối, đe dọa và bắt nạt dựa trên tổ tiên thực tế hoặc nhận thức được, tuổi tác, màu da, biểu hiện giới tính, quốc tịch, chủng tộc hoặc sắc tộc, giới tính, khuynh hướng tình dục hoặc liên kết với một người hoặc nhóm có một hoặc nhiều trong số những điều này thực sự hoặc đặc điểm cảm nhận. 

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