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Office Administration 1A: Introduction

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Các đơn vị khóa học lộ trình nghề nghiệp

Unit 1: Starting Out

The possibilities for your future have no limits, only those you set for yourself. Businesses across the globe need well-prepared individuals who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experience to help businesses be successful and thrive. That’s why millions of people today are choosing to work as administrative professionals, and you can too. Why not choose a career that’s rich in history and allows you the opportunity to give your time and attention to work that is important and really makes a difference?

Unit 2: Developing Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are the skills you use every day to interact and connect with others. Give your interpersonal skills a boost by raising your awareness of ethics, diverse cultures, office politics, and working with your manager. Administrative professionals who are more keenly aware of who they are communicating with will have greater success for effective communication in the workplace and everyday life. Let’s get started!

Unit 2: Developing Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are the skills you use every day to interact and connect with others. Give your interpersonal skills a boost by raising your awareness of ethics, diverse cultures, office politics, and working with your manager. Administrative professionals who are more keenly aware of who they are communicating with will have greater success for effective communication in the workplace and everyday life. Let’s get started!

Unit 3: Speaking & Listening

The ability to communicate effectively plays an important role in our daily lives. What you say and how you say it makes an impression on people. You cannot simply press an undo or delete button when you say something, whether intentionally or unintentionally inappropriate. With more businesses expanding across the globe, your success in the workplace will depend on your ability to listen to and understand others.

Unit 4: Working the Frontline

Working the frontline as an administrative professional will be one of the most impactful positions you will hold within a business or company. This highly desired career choice for millions across the globe offers the opportunity throughout the workday to interact with others, perform a variety of administrative tasks, and be a brand ambassador for the company and the executives and managers you support. If you enjoy delivering exceptional customer service with a smile, consider a position on the frontline. Companies need you to make a positive lasting impression on their visitors and customers.

Unit 5: Writing in Business

Writing skills are one of the many must-have skills of an administrative professional. How would you rate your writing skills? In any given workday, administrative professionals create, edit, and format a number of important types of written correspondence, such as letters, emails, reports, memos, and many others. So, let’s take a peek into what’s needed for writing in business.

Unit 6: Technology Basics

As the technology landscape continues to evolve and change, businesses and organizations can expect to incorporate new technologies regularly. While there is no crystal ball to look into the future of work, administrative professionals can expect that many of their daily activities will remain connected to a variety of technologies. It’s an exciting time to be an administrative professional because you’ll have a chance to incorporate and test the latest technology for your workplace. Let’s get a glimpse of how administrative professionals interact with technology in their day-to-day work.

Unit 7: Software Applications

Are you looking for a way to increase your productivity and marketability as an administrative professional? Become proficient in utilizing a variety of software applications to get the work done. Administrative professionals who are technology savvy will be more valuable to employers and better positioned to ask for higher salaries—and who doesn’t want to get paid more? Discover how administrative professionals use email, word processing, PDF readers, and spreadsheet software to move daily business forward.

Unit 8: Getting the Job

The possibilities and opportunities for employment available to you today are exciting and endless. What are you aiming for? Make the job search process work for you! This unit will share insights to help you search online for a job, prepare a cover letter, write a résumé, and prepare for a job interview. So, be informed, invest the time, and be patient. Your future is bright, so you might want to grab those shades.

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Học viện TỐT NHẤT

1704 Cape Horn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-TỐT NHẤT (2378)

SỐ FAX:  619-359-8977

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