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Chuyên gia Tiếp thị 

Marketing Foundations 1A

Marketing Foundations 1A: Introduction

Explore the fast-paced and exciting world of marketing! Learn about the role of marketing in business in addition to the basics of business management, customer service, and economics. Examine how to identify target markets, perform market research, and develop successful marketing strategies. Discover the legal and ethical considerations of business and marketing, along with the impact of government on business.

Marketing 2A

Marketing 2A: Global Business & Trade

Can you think of a brand that first launched in the U.S. and then became popular in other countries? Facebook™ did this very thing! Without a solid understanding of business and international marketing strategy, it becomes nearly impossible to be successful and stand out from the crowd. Discover how business and marketing works around the world. You’ll learn about topics such as regulations, market research, marketing plans, global trends, buying and selling internationally, and more.

Marketing Foundations 1B

Marketing Foundations 1B: Building Your Base

Dig deeper into the world of marketing and what it means for business success! Become a marketing mix pro by studying understanding branding, advertising, promotion strategies, and more, through real-world applications and practices. And explore the secrets of advertising and promotion. Learn about effective sales techniques and discover employment opportunities to pursue a career in this exciting field!

Marketing 2B

Marketing 2B: Developing a Sales Team

How does a business make money? If you said sales, then you’re right! This course explores the secrets to sales. You’ll learn expectations, best practices, sales planning, building a clientele that becomes long-term buyers, and how to stay motivated to sell, sell, sell! If sales management is your goal, you’ll learn about management styles, how to find, hire, train, motivate, and compensate your team.

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Học viện TỐT NHẤT

1704 Cape Horn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-TỐT NHẤT (2378)

SỐ FAX:  619-359-8977

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Học viện BEST là một nhà tuyển dụng / chương trình có cơ hội bình đẳng và cam kết thực hiện một Chương trình Không phân biệt đối xử tích cực. Học viện BEST nghiêm cấm phân biệt đối xử, quấy rối, đe dọa và bắt nạt dựa trên tổ tiên thực tế hoặc nhận thức được, tuổi tác, màu da, biểu hiện giới tính, quốc tịch, chủng tộc hoặc sắc tộc, giới tính, khuynh hướng tình dục hoặc liên kết với một người hoặc nhóm có một hoặc nhiều trong số những điều này thực sự hoặc đặc điểm cảm nhận. 

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