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Medical Diagnostic Technology 1A: Introduction

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Các đơn vị khóa học lộ trình nghề nghiệp

Unit 1: Building a Team: The History & Professionals of Medical Diagnostic Technology

To treat a condition or illness, we need information that provides a diagnosis. The medical world is made up of many professionals specializing in body systems, as well as the technology that diagnoses and treats these systems. Have you ever wondered who these people are and what types of backgrounds provide the knowledge needed to perform these duties? As we explore the technology used to diagnose disease, we’ll also investigate the professionals who play a huge role in obtaining the needed information. Come along as we examine the history of medical diagnostic technology and the people who make using this technology possible!

Unit 2: Be Aware: Maintaining a Safe Environment

What types of hazards do employees and patients face when they enter health care facilities? What keeps these places safe? Luckily, health care organizations take many actions to keep employees and patients away from danger. As we explore the many hazards within a health care facility, we’ll also investigate the precautions that are taken to reduce and prevent harm. We will continue our study by examining the organizations that make sure everything is as it should be. After all, whether you’re just there for a visit or working there every day, you want to be safe and sound when you enter a healthcare facility!

Unit 3: Preventing Harm: Infection Control Procedures

Everyone wants to avoid infection, right? To learn how to use infection control measures properly, we need to look at what causes infection, how it’s spread, and ways to prevent it. Our journey will take us through the immune system and the natural protection offered by the body, as well as into the types of pathogens that try to break down those defenses. We’ll also differentiate between types of infections and identify specific methods to prevent their spread. Let’s learn to prevent harm by using infection control!

Unit 4: Image With Care: Radiation Safety

Have you ever wondered what kinds of tests are done in diagnostic imaging departments? Although we tend to think of radiology as taking X-rays of bones, this area involves so much more! We’ll investigate the areas within diagnostic imaging, as well as analyze how the tests are used to diagnose, treat, and monitor patient conditions. We’ll also look at how radiation safety measures are employed to reduce doses to technologists and patients. Let’s explore this world and find out how these professionals image with care!

Unit 5: Fluid Samples: Using Blood & Urine as Clues in Diagnosis

A big part of medical diagnostic technology is performing tests on blood and urine samples. As we explore these testing methods, we’ll look at how samples are collected and handled. We’ll also examine the diagnoses that can be made using the results as well as the related signs and symptoms. It’s time to explore the diagnostic information these body fluids have to offer!

Unit 6: Positive Patient Interactions

Many factors go into making the patient’s experience a positive one. Health care professionals must be aware of barriers in the communication process and ways to overcome them. Once communication begins, careful documentation and coordination with other members of the health care team are needed to provide care within the bounds of legal and ethical standards for the profession. And on top of all of those things, the professional needs to ensure patient confidentiality using HIPAA guidelines! Let’s see exactly how health care professionals do all of this as we investigate ways to promote positive patient interactions.

Unit 7: Investigating the Senses & the Nerves

What gives us the ability to assess our surroundings? What kinds of information do we gather without even noticing? The sense organs give humans the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the world around them to gain a better understanding of the environment. As part of our journey, we’ll explore the nervous system and learn how the senses work together to process this information. We’ll also discover related health conditions that occur and ways to diagnose them. Let’s investigate the senses!

Unit 8: Exploring Medical Imaging

Medical imaging is just another name for x-rays, right? Actually, there’s a lot more to it than just that! As we explore the many areas that make up medical imaging, we’ll investigate the advantages and disadvantages of different radiology systems, as well as some conditions they are used to detect. Let’s find out how much more there really is to the amazing world of medical imaging!

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