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Hospitality & Tourism 2B: Hotel & Restaurant Management

Các Đơn vị Khóa học Lộ trình Nghề nghiệp Khách sạn, Du lịch & Giải trí 

Unit 1: Management Skills

You’re up before the sun, coffee in hand, ready to take on the day. The buzz of conversation fills the air the moment you set foot into the building. You take a step in, looking around at the staff, customers, and guests who are bouncing around every which way. You wear a friendly smile and greet everyone you meet. You are a hospitality manager! You thrive in this organized chaos. You breathe in the moving and shaking of each piece of your organization’s puzzle, knowing your next move before the first one even takes place. It’s a demanding job, but you’re up for the challenge! Together, we’ll learn management skills related to leadership, employee supervision, and communication as these are the backbone of your hospitality business. Let’s dive right in!

Unit 2: Hiring, Managing & Retaining Talent

If you do a quick Google search, you will find that there are around 7.6 billion people in the world at this very moment. But the question is: which of these unique individuals is the right fit to be hired into your business? As a hospitality manager, part of your job is to find and select the employees you are going to work with. But can you just tap the first five people you meet on the street and assemble your all-star team? How does the overall hiring process work? Together, we’ll dive into the next group of moving puzzle pieces in the hospitality industry: we are going to go through the hiring process, helping you develop the skills needed to not only make a hire but to bring on a team member that will truly be an asset to your company.

Unit 3: Diving into the Details

Who knew that learning about how to manage a hotel or restaurant would feel so much like a game?! By now, we have mentioned many of the different “pieces of the puzzle” that make up hospitality management. Even though it seems as if we have connected quite a few pieces together already, we are really just breaking into this puzzle! Our next few pieces all relate to the details of running a hotel. These are the puzzle pieces in the box that have lots of tiny little features drawn upon them—the ones that might take a while to fit into the whole. But never fear! We are going to flex that leadership muscle and dive right in to discover how to fit those pieces into our overall picture and form the foundation of our hospitality organization.

Unit 4: Marketing Madness

Who knew that learning about how to manage a hotel or restaurant would feel so much like a game?! By now, we have mentioned many of the different “pieces of the puzzle” that make up hospitality management. Even though it seems as if we have connected quite a few pieces together already, we are really just breaking into this puzzle! Our next few pieces all relate to the details of running a hotel. These are the puzzle pieces in the box that have lots of tiny little features drawn upon them—the ones that might take a while to fit into the whole. But never fear! We are going to flex that leadership muscle and dive right in to discover how to fit those pieces into our overall picture and form the foundation of our hospitality organization.

Unit 5: Restaurant Operations

Just when you think you’ve connected all your hospitality puzzle pieces together, you realize you forgot about the restaurant expansion pack that goes along with it! While this expansion pack is optional, and doesn’t necessarily accompany every hotel, it’s still important to be familiar with. While we know that not every hotel has a built-in restaurant, it’s a common addition to many hotels and is something you should be ready for. Let’s roll up our sleeves, fire up our taste buds, and get back into it! A manager’s job is never done!

Unit 6: Marketing the Restaurant

You are now a pro at setting up restaurants and know what it takes to get that restaurant up and running. What we need to do now as a hotel and hospitality manager is keep that restaurant running! We want to keep our seats full of customers and fill their taste buds with flavor! To try to wrangle the crowds in, we are going to use marketing and sales tactics just as we did with our hotel, but in a more restaurant-focused way. There’s only a few more puzzle pieces on the table. Let’s snap those into place to complete our hotel management puzzle. We can see the finish line!

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1704 Cape Horn

Julian, CA 92036

833-619-TỐT NHẤT (2378)

SỐ FAX:  619-359-8977

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