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Cosmetology 3A: Introduction to Hair Skills

Thẩm mỹ, Chuyên gia thẩm mỹ, Nhà tạo mẫu tóc
Các đơn vị khóa học lộ trình nghề nghiệp

Unit 1: First Steps: Hair Care

Health is always the first priority for cosmetologists, so step one of working with a new hair client is checking to make sure that the hair and scalp are healthy. Hair, skin, and scalp analysis tell cosmetologists how the hair will tolerate services, and that’s critical information. Proper analysis of the hair’s porosity and elasticity will help to determine if chemical services such as colors, permanent waves, or other services can be performed. A little knowledge of anatomy tells cosmetologists exactly what they’re working with and how to best address any issues they see, even if that means recommending that a client seek medical care. But knowing how to talk to clients about their health is also an essential part of presenting yourself as a professional!

Unit 2: Scalp Matters: Shampooing, Conditioning, & Beyond

Did you know that there is a proper way to shampoo your hair? Getting it right improves the health of your scalp and ensures that the hair will be left in the optimum condition. Cosmetologists make daily decisions about the products that their clients use, so they need to know the right combination of shampoo and conditioner for their individual clients. Done properly, a good shampoo and scalp massage give a cosmetologist an opportunity to shine!

Unit 3: A Flair for Working with Hair

A cosmetologist needs to be a bit of an artist, and this begins with learning the basics of face shape and hair type, but they also should be a good listener. The client consultation is the first step in building the solid relationships that keep clients coming back. Having strong communication skills helps with everything from attracting new customers to the salon to making sure that any minor issues that come up are resolved immediately. With these skills in top form, a cosmetologist can ensure that all professional relationships are good ones!

Unit 4: A Splash of Color

Hair coloring is one of the most common services cosmetologists perform, so get ready to learn about color! Getting it right requires understanding how colors interact with each other and the client’s hair. Every client’s hair is unique, and the right service depends on everything from the natural color to previous services. Fortunately, there are a lot of hair color options to suit every client’s needs. Then, it’s all about technique since there are many ways to apply color. No matter what method is used, handling the required chemicals safely benefits both the cosmetologist and the client.

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Julian, CA 92036

833-619-TỐT NHẤT (2378)

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