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Sports Medicine 1A: Introduction

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Unit 1: Sports Medicine in Action

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “sports medicine professional”? Do you think of a doctor? Or maybe you think of a coach? Believe it or not, the term encompasses a much larger range of career options that expands further than jobs typically associated with this field. Would you believe that massage therapists, dietitians, and facility managers are considered to be part of the sports medicine industry? Together, we’ll take a deep dive into a few of the most popular career paths available in the field today. We will also take a look at and discuss some of the day-to-day duties and legal obligations of a sports medicine professional–ready? Let’s jump in!

Unit 2: Psychology, Healthy Living, & Body Image

Have you ever wondered, “what exactly does it mean to be healthy and how do I make sure that I stay healthy for the rest of my life?” In this day and age, health information is available virtually anywhere. The second you log on to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, you are bombarded with self-proclaimed “health experts” claiming they have the secret to a better you. But when it comes to health, what is “normal?” As it turns out, health should have a much broader focus than what we usually assume.

Unit 3: Introduction to Nutrition

Have you ever heard the term “you are what you eat?” Have you ever wondered what that means, and how it applies to your body’s needs? Together, we’ll explore all of the different types of nutrients consumed in a healthy diet. By understanding the effects different types of nutrients have on your body, and how to compare and contrast different types of foods to determine what is healthy for you, you will be set for success to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle. You will also begin to form the foundational knowledge about nutrition that guides all sports medicine professionals when making recommendations to their clients.

Unit 4: Basics of the Body: Understanding Anatomy

Every day, you likely get out of bed and move throughout your day. Maybe you start your day with a morning walk through your neighborhood, or maybe you participate in a sport. But have you ever stopped to think about how your body moves, and what is it that allows you to get from one place to another? Let’s take a deep dive into the structure and function of the movement system of your body, your skeleton, and muscles. We’ll also take a look at the systems that work together to keep you alive and function each and every day.

Unit 5: Exercise Modalities

You’ve made a life-changing decision and you want to start your journey towards being more physically fit, but where exactly do you begin? Good news! Here, you will uncover the components of a fitness program that will yield maximum success. You will also learn the scientific physiology and reasoning behind an exercise program and how variables of exercise can be altered to be unique to your needs. And, while you achieve results through proper exercise design, you will also explore the various ways you can track and evaluate the data throughout the exercise program. Ready? Let’s go!

Unit 6: Communication & Coaching

Effective communication is vital for health and fitness professionals. Both professional and personal relationships can be enhanced when you are able to communicate honestly, openly, assertively, and, of course, with kindness. Such communication has the ability to reduce both personal stress and the stress felt by those surrounding you. Here you will learn how to enhance these skills that will ultimately help you understand your client on a deeper level and allow you guide people to achieve optimal results.

Unit 7: You’ve Got the Moves: Human Biomechanics

You may mistake physics as a subject that doesn’t have much to do with your daily life. But, think about it: on the inside, you have muscles, bones, and joints that allow your body to move, and on the outside, your body interacts with the space around it, which involves air, temperature, gravity, and outside forces. Analyzing human movement, and all the factors that impact it, is essential to any physical sport. And to be able to analyze the factors of movement, we need have a common language between all healthcare providers and researchers. For professionals in the sports medicine industry, it’s important to analyze not only the mechanics of human movement but also what that movement is called, if that movement caused injury, and it’s location in order to predict the damage that may have occurred. It might sound complicated but don’t worry – here, we’ll discuss the basic terminology, principles of movement, biomechanics, and forces that affect the human body.

Unit 8: Emergency Preparedness

Members of the healthcare team have a legal duty to develop and implement an emergency action plan that is to be followed if an athlete becomes injured while participating in sports, whether in practice or during a big game. To be effective, the emergency plan must be carefully understood by all emergency action team members involved, including those on the athletic healthcare team. Let’s examine the components of an emergency action plan and what to do at the site of an injury.

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