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English Learner Advisory Committee

The purpose of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is to advise the school leadership team and school staff on programs and services for English learners and the School Site Council (SSC) on the development of the Academic Plan (Single School Plan for Student Achievement). The ELAC consists of families of English Language Learners, administrators, teachers, students, and school support staff. It is an advisory body to oversee the EIA/LEP Program and it's budget.

2024-2025 ELAC Meetings

Please join us for our ELAC - English Learner Advisory Committee Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year.

All parents of English Learner students are invited. To join the meeting by Zoom, click here.

2024-2025 ELAC Agendas

View all ELAC Meeting Agendas in both Spanish and English by clicking the agenda date.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Navarro at

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ELAC Meeting v2.1.28.25.jpg
ELAC Requirements, Responsibilities & Officer Duties 

The ELAC advises and assists the school director, staff, and School Site Council in the following areas: 

The school's program for English Learners.

The development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement.

The school's needs assessment.

Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of student learning engagement and attendance. 

The duties and responsibilities of all ELAC council members include the following: 

Attend all meetings.

Accept positions as officers or subcommittee members when so appointed or elected unless unable to carry the duties entailed.

Participate in training in order to be informed and carry out responsibilities as a member of ELAC.

Be knowledgeable of all school programs and needs of ELL's.


Sign letters, plans, EIA/LEP budget, reports and other communications as directed by the committee. Prepare an agenda for each meeting with the ELL/Bilingual program resource teacher and be willing to preside at the meeting. Call special meetings as needed.

Vice President:

Assume the duties of the Chairperson during her/his absence. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or by the committee.


The Receive and handle all mail addressed to the ELAC. Keep a current roster of committee members including address and telephone number; keep minutes and sign-in sheets for all meetings.

Requiremets & Duties
English Language Proficiency Assessments

The English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC) is the California, state-mandated assessment that measures a student’s listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. 

The Initial ELPAC
Students whose home language is other than English as determined by the Home Language Survey will be assessed with the Initial ELPAC within 30 calendar days of enrollment. This is administered only once in a student's academic career.

Parents receive a student score report that identifies the student’s overall performance level in English and the development of his/her oral and written language skills.

Students are designated one of the following:

  1. Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP)

  2. Intermediate English Learner (I)

  3. Novice English Learner (N)

For more information on the three performance levels, click here.

Summative ELPAC

Each English learner will be assessed annually with the Summative ELPAC during the assessment window to determine their progress in acquiring English. English learners are administered the Summative ELPAC each year until they are Reclassified.

There are 4 performance levels of the Summative ELPAC:

  1. Level 1 - Minimally Developed

  2. Level 2 - Somewhat Developed

  3. Level 3 - Moderately Developed

  4. Level 4 - Well Developed

For more information on the four performance levels, click here.

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